About three years ago when I started doing VBA I got a drift that ADO was the way to go so have very gradually worked up my ADO skills - still not that high but with help from you guys I get by.
I recall seeing somewhere that Microsoft are moving back to DAO being default in next version of Access - which if my recall is right, suggests that they have not found ADO up to the job.
Can anyone confirm this, and should I now start trying to think in DAO rather than ADO - and do my new programming in DAO?
Would very much appreciate any views.
About three years ago when I started doing VBA I got a drift that ADO was the way to go so have very gradually worked up my ADO skills - still not that high but with help from you guys I get by.
I recall seeing somewhere that Microsoft are moving back to DAO being default in next version of Access - which if my recall is right, suggests that they have not found ADO up to the job.
Can anyone confirm this, and should I now start trying to think in DAO rather than ADO - and do my new programming in DAO?
Would very much appreciate any views.