Calculated column in query


Local time
Today, 19:03
Jan 10, 2024
Good day sirs,
Pls i need help, i wanted to add calculated column to my query, adding 3 columns.. What i have is "totalpayments:([reservation]+[downpayment]
+[amountpaid])" . But it give me blank.. Is this not working in access?.
If any value is null then it will become null. You might have to wrap each part
totalpayments: nz([reservation],0) +nz([downpayment],0) + nz([amountPaid],0)
If any value is null then it will become null. You might have to wrap each part
totalpayments: nz([reservation],0) +nz([downpayment],0) + nz([amountPaid],0)
Thank Sir MajP
Its working, but it gives me a popup enter parameter value "Totalpayments. Can you pls take a look, where is this parameter came from..

Also how can i format into currency the result.

Many thanks sir.
Are you using totalpayments in another calculation in the same query?
If any value is null then it will become null. You might have to wrap each part
totalpayments: nz([reservation],0) +nz([downpayment],0) + nz([amountPaid],0

Are you using totalpayments in another calculation in the same query?
Yes, it is use to get the balance (totalcontractprice) - (totalpayments).
Show the ENTIRE query, preferably the SQL statement from the SQL view, in text form as code.

due: totalcontractprice-([reservation]+[downpayment])

if totalcontractprice is also calculated, use the calculation aka totalpayments

due: totalcontractprice-([reservation]+[downpayment])

if totalcontractprice is also calculated, use the calculation aka totalpayments
totalcontractprice is not calculated.. it is entered

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