Chart Title (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:12
May 4, 2001
I have created a Chart in Forms that is linked to a query. I created it as a Form so that it will run the query each time. My problem is that I want a title for the chart to include a part of the parameter. I have tried to create a text box but that does not work. Is there another way to do this?

Thanks in advance,



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:12
Aug 27, 2001
Finally I've found someone having the same problem that I am having, or close to it...

I can get the chart title to change by using the following code:

Dim sOffice as String
sOffice = Forms!frmImport.lstOffice 'a list box on my form

Me!graCompAT.ChartTitle.Text = "Whatever Title - " & sOffice

Using this code on the form open procedure, my title will change but I get a run time error of #1004 - Unable to set Text property of the Chart Title class.

I trap the error and just do a Resume Next and it works okay unless it comes across a chart that has no data. Then it won't change the title variable for that chart or any after it. It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out why I'm getting a run time error! I downloaded a sample charts database from Microsoft's page that you might find useful.

Perhaps you can get it to work. I'm probably missing something simple like a field setting or something. Let me know if you do.


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