checkboxes for monitoring progress (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 22, 2012
I have a form with a series of 6 checkboxes which show various stages of an application for teams to join outreaches in our focus cities. These stages are Enquiry, Application, Acceptance, In City, Left City & Thankyou Letter.

Ideally, the user wants to simply tick each stage as it is reached. They won't be needing to uncheck boxes as subsequent stages are met so a fully completed sheet will have 6 boxes checked. Some forms may end up only having the first 3 boxes checked and some only the first, if they don't follow up their initial enquires about joining up.

At the moment, when I try checking or unchecking a box I get the legend " Microsoft cannot find the object 'False.' If 'false' is a new macro or macro group, make sure you have saved it and that you have typed its name correctly. "

As far as I'm aware, I haven't set these fields as macros and am not sure if it is correct to do so or not. I'm guessing they could be run from queries.

Any ideas??


Snr. Developer
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 27, 2012
sounds like you have entered the value "false" in one of the event properties of the checkbox!~)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 22, 2012
Sounds possible, but I'm struggling to see where when I search the various property sheets.

I'm guessing that a True/False type statement needs to be included somewhere as the process involves changing a status from " Have they applied? - 'No' " to "Have they applied - 'Yes' " and so on for each of the 5 situations after initial enquiry - Teams won't be entered onto the system unless they HAVE made an initial enquiry.


Snr. Developer
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 27, 2012
to register true or false in the form via checkboxes is just drag and drop in design.. If you want to make changes to other fields based on the selected in the checkbox then you could do something like:

private sub CheckBox1_AfterUpdate()
select case me.checkbox1
case true
me.field1 = "yes"
case false
me.field1 = "no"
case else
me.field1 = null
end select
end sub


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 22, 2012
Thanks for your suggestion Severin, but I tried putting the code in and it's not working. The form is still searching for a false object.

I'm attaching a copy for anyone to have a perusal at and see if they can offer any solutions. Any help much appreciated, this is the last task to solve before my form can go live.

View attachment Megacities Stats.accdb


Snr. Developer
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 27, 2012
When you go into design view on the form notice that the event On Dirty on the property sheet is set to the value false. This is telling the form that when there is being made changes it will fire a macro named false, but you don't have a macro called false. Therefore the error message.

Regarding the checkboxes then they work on their own, so you do not need any code on them. One thing you could automate is the datestamp, so the code for the first checkbox should look like this:

Private Sub Enquired_AfterUpdate()
Me.Enquiry_received = Date
End Sub


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:49
Mar 22, 2012
Thanks for that, check boxes all working now.

Haven't automated the date stamp as much our our data entry is done retrospectively, ie the users will be spending much of the time clearing a backlog of info to enter for the first City on this DB. The info for our next Focus City (wherever that is) will be more of a as-you-go type basis.

Testing has issued another problem but I'll start a new thread for that.

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