coments on design and features (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:40
Jan 16, 2003
I have been working on this for a week now and I have got through oh 65% of it but all the controls codes on each form are individual and not moduler VBA also the forms are not written to use record sets but are linked to querys, created from tables. I will when finished split this to FE and BE. I hope. I need some advice on where ad how to change the code and also put get a cmdSave button (not visible on forms at the moment) I think the design is quite good thanks to an Idea from another member and Button ideas from yet another. but the record set principle especialy in relation to subforms I have not got a clue on. This would have to load and unload the record sets on the forms got an lost focus so That the P2 to P2 network this may be on is not constantly at work and also I have to seriosly think about record locking and have not started on the transactions for the items such as Invoices and Bills an=nd accounts also the reports for the stuff as well but the main consept of the GUI is quite acheived I think have a look and let me know any one


Attachment: project too big but if you which to see it let meknow the zip file is 210kb


Local time
Today, 01:40
Nov 19, 2002

You should be able to post your DB.

Remove any graphics,
Tools --> Database Utililties --> Compact/Repair
Then ZIP and attach.

It should fit.


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