Conspiracies, Illuminati, Cults - Wierd Stuff (1 Viewer)


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 13:22
Feb 22, 2002
They accused the Jews of poisoning the wells, which lead to the Black death.

Are you sure it wasn't the vaccine that spread Black Death?



Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 13:22
Aug 12, 2014
Crude Jokes - very funny! :rolleyes:

Maybe it was the Americans!!!


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 13:22
Feb 22, 2002
Maybe it was the Americans!!!

Well at least back in the 14th century the true Americans were in their homeland, not corralled into red Indian reservations like the invaders did to them.



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:22
Feb 11, 2013
A vast majority (maybe not all) Medieval Christians believed Jews to be associated with the devil. They accused the Jews of poisoning the wells, which lead to the Black death.

see my point here Bladerunner?

Not using Christians as a scape goat. (If it makes you feel any better, I dislike all religions equally :D)

Well it is good to know you don't play favorites!!!!!! LOL

There are a many of Christians that have an affinity for disliking the Jews even today. I personally feel this is caused by jealousy. They are God's chosen people!

I understand and have accepted that people who do not like religions (especially the Christian) religion because of their dealings with the church, science, worldview, etc. are not going to change anytime soon.

What I have a problem is with those people who are determined to destroy the Christian religion in America and around the world. No, I am not talking this time about the Islamic religion. I understand their motivation although I don't agree with it.
So that leaves ordinary people who for what ever reasons they may have,do not believe in God or Jesus Christ and want (need) to force their opinion(s) upon everybody that does not believe as they do? It is mind boggling.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 22:22
Jan 20, 2009
There are a many of Christians that have an affinity for disliking the Jews even today. I personally feel this is caused by jealousy. They are God's chosen people!

Wow. The people who originated the religion are declared by that religion as God's chosen people. What a remarkable coincidence! Funnily enough it is a common theme in many religions. Hitler declared his people the Master Race too.

It is that kind of jingoistic attitude that is at the foundation of what is wrong with religion.

What I have a problem is with those people who are determined to destroy the Christian religion in America and around the world.

So that leaves ordinary people who for what ever reasons they may have,do not believe in God or Jesus Christ and want (need) to force their opinion(s) upon everybody that does not believe as they do? It is mind boggling.

Religions' raison d'etre has always been the forcing of their opinions on others. It is nowhere better stated than in the Armageddon prophecy where their God massacres all those who do not accept that opinion.

Atheists are simply pointing out the facts about religion. We object to the religious persecuting those who don't fit their prejudices without expecting so much as a comment from others. We object to their presumption that their superstitions should guide public policy. We object to their eager anticipation of the destruction of life as we know it.

It is then up to individuals to make their own choice. We are just making sure they understand what they are choosing. That is what has changed and it is definitely leading to a decline in religion. Hopefully it will eventually become seen as irrelevant by all.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:22
Jun 11, 2004
There's already a thread for those with a pathological hatred of all religion.

Why not thump your "bible" there?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:22
Jun 11, 2004
Well it is good to know you don't play favorites!!!!!! LOL

There are a many of Christians that have an affinity for disliking the Jews even today. I personally feel this is caused by jealousy. They are God's chosen people!

I understand and have accepted that people who do not like religions (especially the Christian) religion because of their dealings with the church, science, worldview, etc. are not going to change anytime soon.

What I have a problem is with those people who are determined to destroy the Christian religion in America and around the world. No, I am not talking this time about the Islamic religion. I understand their motivation although I don't agree with it.
So that leaves ordinary people who for what ever reasons they may have,do not believe in God or Jesus Christ and want (need) to force their opinion(s) upon everybody that does not believe as they do? It is mind boggling.

I know a few Christian religions which pay a tithe type payment to Israel charities/organisations. They celebrate things like Israel and the Arabs fighting - why - because in the end of days and when they get the chance to enter heaven. Israel will be occupied by the Jewish and a war will break out ..... etc etc

So they actively work towards that outcome.

Not sure how they stand on the chosen people argument - they lack such logic or empathy I cant be bothered the tirade of nonsense I would get in reply.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 08:22
Oct 17, 2012
There's already a thread for those with a pathological need to force your religion into every discussion.

Why not thump your bible there?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:22
Jun 11, 2004
There's already a thread for those with a pathological need to force your religion into every discussion.

Why not thump your bible there?

Simply cos I'm not religious? And most of religion aren't quite as book bashing as you lot!


Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 13:22
Aug 12, 2014
Well at least back in the 14th century the true Americans were in their homeland, not corralled into red Indian reservations like the invaders did to them.


Quite your whining about Americans!

I mean my word, change the subject once in a while...

(Before you say i always talk about conspiracies or something - No I don't a very little percentage of my posts are to do with those subjects :) )


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 13:22
Feb 22, 2002
Quite your whining about Americans!

I mean my word, change the subject once in a while...

(Before you say i always talk about conspiracies or something - No I don't a very little percentage of my posts are to do with those subjects :) )

I'm unclear about your use of the word "quite", unless you are referring to the awful Americanism "quit".

Anyway, if you stop mentioning the USA in almost every post. . . . . . . . .



Strange Traveller
Local time
Today, 13:22
Aug 12, 2014
I'm unclear about your use of the word "quite", unless you are referring to the awful Americanism "quit".

Anyway, if you stop mentioning the USA in almost every post. . . . . . . . .


I wouldn't have to if you would stop having this awful phobia towards Americans!

That was a typo on my part, Sorry for the spelling. It was meant to be "Quit" :D

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