Custom ribbon 2007 / 2016 (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:46
Hi everyone,

I created database in Access 2007. In that base I created custom ribbon in table USysRibbons and everything works. In second computer I have Access 2016. When I open that base in Access 2016 I cannot see my custom ribbon - it is still available in Access 2007 but in 2016 I cannot see.
Do you have any idea where is problem?

Thank you for replay


Local time
Today, 13:46
Does your 2007 ribbon contain any commands not allowed in A2016?
Suggest you post an A2007 screenshot plus the USysRibbons table and any related VBA code

Also are you using 32-bit in one and 64-bit in the other?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:46
Code of custom ribbon
<customUI xmlns="">
  <ribbon startFromScratch="false">
      <tab id="MyTab" label="AVT Menu">
        <group id="MyGroup" label="Środki trwałe">
          <button id="MyButton1" size="large" label="Tabela środków trwałych" imageMso="TablePropertiesDialog"
            onAction="=OtworzT('tblAVT_SrodkiTrwale')" />
          <button id="MyButton37" size="large" label="Tabela Wacetob" imageMso="FormulaMoreFunctionsMenu"
            onAction="=OtworzT('tblAVTWacetob')" />
	<group id="MyGroup2" label="Kody IAC">
          <button id="MyButton2" size="large" label="Kody IAC" imageMso="FunctionsFinancialInsertGallery"
            onAction="=OpenForm('frmIAClist')" />
	<group id="MyGroup3" label="Wycena">
          <button id="MyButton3" size="normal" label="Formularz AVT" imageMso="PivotTableLayoutShowInOutlineForm"
            onAction="=OpenFormM('frmAVT')" />
          <button id="MyButton4" size="normal" label="Wykres spadku wartości" imageMso="ChartTrendline"
            onAction="=OpenFormM('frmValuationDiagram')" />
          <button id="MyButton38" size="normal" label="PriceCheck" imageMso="ReturnToTaskList"
            onAction="=OpenFormM('frmAVTPriceCheck')" />
        <group id="MyGroup14" label="Workout">
          <button id="MyButton40" size="large" label="Workout Valuation Template" imageMso="ReviewAcceptChange"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qryAVT_WorkoutValuationTemplate')" />
        <group id="MyGroup4" label="Rzeczoznawcy">
          <button id="MyButton5" size="large" label="Lista rzeczoznawców" imageMso="CheckNames"
            onAction="=OtworzTf('tblRzeczoznawcy')" />
	<group id="MyGroup5" label="Wykresy do raportów">
          <button id="MyButton6" size="normal" label="Rodzaje zapytań" imageMso="PivotChartType"
            onAction="=OtworzPivot('qryMariusz_wykres1')" />
          <button id="MyButton7" size="normal" label="Branże zapytań" imageMso="Chart3DPieChart"
            onAction="=OtworzPivot('qryMariusz_wykres_kolowy')" />
        <group id="MyGroup6" label="Raport AVT">
          <button id="MyButton8" size="large" label="Miesięczny raport AVT" imageMso="ControlsGallery"
            onAction="=OtworzFormularzOkno('frmAVT_monthly_set')" />
        <group id="MyGroup12" label="Flota">
          <button id="MyButton34" size="large" label="Zarządzanie Flotą" imageMso="DatabasePermissionsMenu"
            onAction="=OpenFormM('frmFlota')" />
          <button id="MyButton35" size="normal" label="Raport kart paliwowych" imageMso="RmsSendBizcard"
            onAction="=OtworzMakro('frmPetrolCards')" />
          <button id="MyButton36" size="normal" label="Odśwież raport kart paliwowych" imageMso="SourceControlRefreshStatus"
            onAction="=OtworzMakro('makRefreshCard')" />
      <tab id="MyTab1" label="RPM Menu">
        <group id="MyGroup7" label="">
          <button id="MyButton9" size="large" label="Pobrać dane XML" imageMso="ImportXmlFile"
            onAction="=OtworzMakro('makDownloadLight')" />
          <button id="MyButton10" size="normal" label="Pobrać dane ODBC" imageMso="HyperlinkInsert"
            onAction="=OtworzMakro('makDownloadODBC')" />
          <button id="MyButton11" size="normal" label="Masowy update" imageMso="TableExportTableToSharePointList"
            onAction="=OtworzMakro('makMultiUpdate')" />
          <button id="MyButton12" size="normal" label="Wykres ilości ogł." imageMso="PivotChartType"
            onAction="=OtworzWykres('qryDiagramIloscOgloszen')" />
          <button id="MyButton13" size="normal" label="Formularz WebCon" imageMso="BusinessFormWizard"
            onAction="=OpenFormM('frmWebCon')" />
          <button id="MyButton14" size="normal" label="Formularz Poleasingowa" imageMso="ViewWebLayoutView"
            onAction="=OpenFormM('frmPoleasingowa2')" />
          <splitButton id="mySplitButton" size="normal">
            <button id="myButton15" 
             label="Awaryjne pobierania" />
            <menu id="mySplitMenu" itemSize="normal">
              <button id="myButton16" imageMso="ImportExcel" label="Excel (Alt+Tab)"
              onAction="=OtworzMakro('makDownloadAltTab')" />
              <button id="myButton17" imageMso="BlogHomePage" label="Lokalne pobieranie"
              onAction="=OtworzMakro('makDownloadLightXMLLocal')" />
              <button id="myButton18" imageMso="LowImportance" label="XML+ODBC+Update"
              onAction="=OtworzMakro('makXMLodbcMulti')" />
        <group id="MyGroup8" label="Wydruki">
          <button id="MyButton19" size="normal" label="Checklista" imageMso="FilePrintPreview"
            onAction="=OtworzRaport('rptChecklista')" />
          <button id="MyButton20" size="normal" label="Checklista v2" imageMso="FilePrintPreview"
            onAction="=OtworzRaport('rptChecklistaTabela')" description="Wpisz numery magazynowe do tblChecklistaNrMag" />
          <button id="MyButton21" size="normal" label="Raport NRV" imageMso="FileSaveAsPdfOrXps"
            onAction="=PDFe()" />
          <button id="MyButton22" size="normal" label="Raport ARiMR" imageMso="FilePrintPreview"
            onAction="=OtworzRaport('rptARiMR')" />
          <button id="MyButton23" size="normal" label="Raport Intrastat" imageMso="FilePrintPreview"
            onAction="=OtworzRaport('rptEksport')" />
        <group id="MyGroup9" label="Kwerendy AM">
          <button id="MyButton24" size="normal" label="Nazwy plików" imageMso="TextFromFileInsert"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qry@FileAndFolderNames')" />	
          <button id="MyButton25" size="normal" label="Rozliczenie magazynu" imageMso="DollarSign"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qryMonthWarehouse')" />	
          <button id="MyButton26" size="normal" label="Faktury do wystawienia" imageMso="MicrosoftVisualFoxPro"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qryMagda')" />	
          <button id="MyButton27" size="normal" label="Dane eksportowe" imageMso="CreateMap"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qryEksportMagda')" />	
          <button id="MyButton28" size="normal" label="Sprzedaż>IPP" imageMso="StarRatedHalf"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qryMagdaCenaSprzedazyIPP')" />	
          <button id="MyButton29" size="normal" label="GCV Best Offer" imageMso="StarUnratedEmpty"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qrySaleRatios')" />	
          <button id="MyButton30" size="normal" label="Koszty wg ODBC" imageMso="TableOpenInBrowser"
            onAction="=OtworzKwerende('qryKosztyRemarketinguPodzial')" />
        <group id="MyGroup10" label="tbl_Root">
         <splitButton id="mySplitButton1" size="large">
          <button id="MyButton31" label="tbl_Root" imageMso="AccessListCustomDatasheet"
            onAction="=OtworzT('tbl_Root')" />
            <menu id="mySplitMenu1" itemSize="normal">
          <button id="MyButton32"  label="tbl_Root-edycja" imageMso="CreateTable"
            onAction="=OtworzTf('tbl_Root')" />
        <group id="MyGroup11" label="Stare Menu Startowe">
          <button id="MyButton33" size="large" label="Menu Start" imageMso="OpenStartPage"
            onAction="=OtworzFormularzOkno('frmStart')" />
        <group id="MyGroup13" label="Raporty">
          <button id="MyButton39" size="large" label="Raport dla windykacji" imageMso="FileCompatibilityChecker"
            onAction="=OtworzMakro('makCollection')" />

It is simple code - just to open table, form or run macro.
I forgot to add that at the beginning I saw custom ribbon in 2016 but after update I cannot see it. I see name of custom ribbon in Access option but ribbon is not visible . I have Office 2007 and 2016 32-bit edition.


Local time
Today, 13:46
I haven't read all the code - nor have I ever made a ribbon with that many controls.
However, the issue may be in line 1

<customUI xmlns="">

In Access 2010, I have
<customUI xmlns=""

I would have expected yours to still work in later versions though probably ribbons done in later versions will cause issues in earlier versions

I would do a Google search for the correct line to use in 2016.
Perhaps something like:
<customUI xmlns="">


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:46
I changed head of code but it doesn't work.
I've checked on computer with Office 2010 and ribbon is visible.


Local time
Today, 13:46
So have you checked what the header needs to be in A2016?
I only suggested what it might be based on what I use in A2010.
However my A2010 ribbons also work in A2016.
Perhaps try the A2010 header from my earlier post.

If that doesn't work I can't help further


Local time
Today, 13:46
It may be a red herring & not your issue

However, have you done a google search for the correct 'header line' in A2016?
If so, please can you tell us what that is for the benefit of others?

If you have no luck finding that try downloading the IDBE Ribbon Creator 2016 from

If that doesn't help then I suggest you try the following in turn, checking the ribbon after each is done
1. Decompile your db to remove any corrupted code (if there is any), recompile & compact
2. Do an Office repair
2. Remove the latest update that caused the issue in your view
3. Go on the MS Access user voice forum & see if anyone else has reported it as an issue. If not, post it yourself
4. Rebuild the ribbon code 1 item at a time testing after each step to see if you can identify the issue

Good luck


Local time
Today, 13:46
Thank you for the link. Very helpful.
My question whether the group policy was altered by the update (unlikely) or done by a network admin

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