Develop a macro to solve below problem (1 Viewer)


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Tomorrow, 00:22
Feb 5, 2016
Here is the problem

Sheet 1 - file 1 is base datafile thats maps our master product file with master product file received from our suppliers / merchants listing supplier product code to our product code, and supplier name to our name. This is prepared basis a one time exercise.
Sheet 1 - file 2 is daily price list that we receive from the supplier in that format - it lists down supplier product code, supplier product name, MRP i.e. list price, selling price - at times this is at a discount to list price, and quantity available for sale.
Sheet 1 - file 3 is the format in which we need output basis mapping of sheet 1 with sheet 2. Instructions are given against each field. We use file 3 to upload the file in our system that calculates final selling price to retail consumers. Our agents often refer this final file while discussing sales with potential customers.

. The problem is the output sheet is not proper . The output file should have three sheets . First sheet containing the mapped items , second sheet showing items whose list price information is not available and third sheet showing that multiple Price records found

Here is the code . Please let me know what is the problem in the code . Not able to get it .

Public FPMfolder AsString'* the foldername
Public FinalPM AsString'* the filename

'* value below will hold the values based upon the value in B4
Public DPMfolder AsString'* the foldername
Public DailyPM AsString'* the filename

Public OFolder AsString'* this will hold the foldername based upon the value in B5
Public FinalOutput AsString'* this will hold the actual outputfile name

Public wbTool As Workbook '* will be used to refer to the 'PriceMappingTool' file
Public wsTool As Worksheet '* refer to sheet named 'Main'

Public wbFPM As Workbook '* this will refer to the actual file named in B3
Public wsFPM As Worksheet '* the sheet of the above file where the data is to be found

Public wbDPM As Workbook '* this will refer to the actual file named in B4
Public wsDPM As Worksheet '* the sheet of the above file where the data is to be found

Public wbFPO As Workbook '* this will be used to refer to the file named on FinalOutput
Public wsFPO1 As Worksheet '* the sheet where the output data will be written to Sheet(1)
Public wsFPO2 As Worksheet '* the sheet where the output data will be written to Sheet(2)
Public wsFPO3 As Worksheet '* the sheet where the output data will be written to Sheet(3)

Public Merchant AsString'* if and when used to store the value of the selected Merchant's name
Public Acronym AsString'* if and when used to store the corresponding Acronym of the selected Merchant

Public ProcOK AsBoolean

Public FSPLIT AsVariant'* used to extract filename and foldername from variable
Public PressedState AsBoolean'* to trap Esc or Cancel button pressed

PublicSub MapAndConsolidate()
ProcOK =False: PressedState =False
Set wbTool = Workbooks("PriceMappingTool.xlsm")
Set wsTool = wbTool.Sheets("Main")
If Len(Trim(wsTool.Range("B2")))=0Or Len(Trim(wsTool.Range("B3")))=0Or Len(Trim(wsTool.Range("B4")))=0Or Len(Trim(wsTool.Range("B5")))=0Then
MsgBox "Please verify THAT all the input values have been entered!", vbCritical,"OPERATION ABORTED !!!"

Application.ScreenUpdating =False
'* below sets all the variables based upon the input values
FSPLIT = Split(wsTool.Range("B3").Value, Application.PathSeparator)
FinalPM = FSPLIT(CInt(UBound(FSPLIT)))
FPMfolder = Replace(wsTool.Range("B3").Value, FinalPM,"")
If Right(FPMfolder,1)<> Application.PathSeparator Then FPMfolder = FPMfolder & Application.PathSeparator

FSPLIT = Split(wsTool.Range("B4").Value, Application.PathSeparator)
DailyPM = FSPLIT(CInt(UBound(FSPLIT)))
DPMfolder = Replace(wsTool.Range("B4").Value, DailyPM,"")
If Right(DPMfolder,1)<> Application.PathSeparator Then DPMfolder = DPMfolder & Application.PathSeparator

OFolder = wsTool.Range("B5").Value
If Right(OFolder,1)<> Application.PathSeparator Then OFolder = OFolder & Application.PathSeparator

Merchant = wsTool.Range("B2").Value
Acronym = findAcronym(wsTool.Range("B2").Value)
If Len(Trim(Acronym))=0Then Acronym ="XXX"

Set wbFPM = Workbooks(FinalPM)
If wbFPM IsNothingThenSet wbFPM = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=FPMfolder & FinalPM,ReadOnly:=True)
If wbFPM IsNothingThenGoTo exitNoGo

Set wbDPM = Workbooks(DailyPM)
If wbDPM IsNothingThenSet wbDPM = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=DPMfolder & DailyPM,ReadOnly:=True)
If wbDPM IsNothingThenGoTo exitNoGo

'Set wbFOP = Workbooks(FinalOutP)
'If wbFOP Is Nothing Then Set wbFOP = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=filePath & Application.PathSeparator & FinalOutP)
'If wbFOP Is Nothing Then GoTo exitNoGo

FinalOutput ="Final_Output-"& Format(Now(),"dd-mm-yyyy-HHmm")&"_"& Trim(Acronym)&".xlsx"


Application.ScreenUpdating =True
If MsgBox("Base mapping file:"& vbCrLf & Chr(9)& wbFPM.Name & vbCrLf & _
"Daily Price Master file:"& vbCrLf & Chr(9)& wbDPM.Name & vbCrLf & _
"Output file:"& vbCrLf & Chr(9)& FinalOutput & vbCrLf & vbCrLf &"'OK' to continue?"& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Chr(9)& _
"press 'Ctlr + Break' to stop processing at any time", vbOKCancel,"Price Mapping Tool"& Space(5)&"HC&TS, 2015")<> vbOK ThenGoTo exitSub

With Application
.ScreenUpdating =False
.EnableEvents =False
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
.EnableCancelKey = xlDisabled
Set wbFPO = Workbooks.Add
wbFPO.SaveAs Filename:=OFolder & FinalOutput, FileFormat:=51

'* the thre following rows adds the column headers to the three worksheets
fillColumnHeaders ws:=Sheets(1)
If wbFPO.Worksheets.Count =1Then wbFPO.Worksheets.Add
fillColumnHeaders ws:=Sheets(2)
If wbFPO.Worksheets.Count =2Then wbFPO.Worksheets.Add
fillColumnHeaders ws:=Sheets(3)

Set wsFPO1 = wbFPO.Sheets(1)
wsFPO1.Name ="Price records found"
Set wsFPO2 = wbFPO.Sheets(2)
wsFPO2.Name ="no Price records found"
Set wsFPO3 = wbFPO.Sheets(3)
wsFPO3.Name ="multiple Price records found"


Dim tStart AsDate'* start timer
Dim tStop AsDate'* stop timer
Dim tEnd AsDate'* estimated end time
Dim tmidnite AsDate'* extra timer value if the process is started before and ends after midnight (next day)

tStart = Format(Now(),"hh:mm:ss")
tmidnite = Format(TimeValue("23:59:59"),"hh:mm:ss")

Dim FPMrng As Range '* range will refer to the data in the Final Product Mapping file
Dim DPMrng As Range '* range will refer to the data in the Daily Price Master file receiveed from Supplier
Dim lstFPMRow AsLong
Dim lstDPMRow AsLong
Dim FPMRow AsLong
Dim DPMRow AsLong
Dim FPO1Row AsLong
Dim FPO2Row AsLong
Dim FPO3Row AsLong

Set wsFPM = wbFPM.Sheets("Final Matched")
Set wsDPM = wbDPM.Sheets(1)

lstFPMRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(2, wbFPM.Sheets(1).Range("A"& Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)'* determine the last filled row of FPM file
lstDPMRow = WorksheetFunction.Max(2, wbDPM.Sheets(1).Range("A"& Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)'* determine the last filled row of DPM file
FPO1Row =1: FPO2Row =1: FPO3Row =1

OnErrorGoTo err_handler
Application.EnableCancelKey = xlErrorHandler
For DPMRow =2To lstDPMRow
If DPMRow Mod50=0And lstDPMRow - DPMRow >50Then
tEnd = Format(time2End(lstDPMRow - DPMRow, DPMRow, tStart),"HH:mm:ss")
Application.StatusBar ="PriceMapping Consolidation ... "& Format(DPMRow / lstDPMRow,"#0.0%")& IIf(DPMRow >=50, Space(5)&"estimated completion time remaining: "& tEnd,"")
If DPMRow >=50Then updateProgressMessage barMessage:="estimated completion time remaining: "& tEnd
updateProgessBarForm iCount:=DPMRow, iTotal:=lstDPMRow
With wsFPM.Range("A:A")
Set FPMrng =.Find(What:=(wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,1).Value), LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
IfNot FPMrng IsNothingThen
GoSub PMPartI
GoSub PMPart2
If PressedState =TrueThen
SelectCase MsgBox("You have pressed 'Esc' or 'Cancel'!"& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
"Do you wish to stop the Price Mapping process?", vbExclamation + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2,"STOP PRICEMAPPING PROCESS?")
CaseIs= vbYes:ExitFor
PressedState =False
Next DPMRow
GoTo endRoutine

'* Part I: Price Information for System Upload where Price information is available
FPMRow = FPMrng.Row
FPO1Row = FPO1Row +1
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"A").Value = wsFPM.Cells(FPMRow,"C").Value '* sku
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"B").Value =""'* ean
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"C").Value = wsFPM.Cells(FPMRow,"D").Value '* name
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"D").Value =""'* status
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"E").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"C").Value '* price
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"F").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"E").Value '* qty
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"G").Value =""'* specialrice
If wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"D").Value < wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"C").Value Then _
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"G").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"D").Value '* specialrice
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"H").Value =""'* specialate start
wsFPO1.Cells(FPO1Row,"I").Value =""'* specialate end

'* Part II: New worksheet to populate all items from Sheet 1 where price information was not found in Sheet 2
FPO2Row = FPO2Row +1
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"A").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"A").Value '* sku
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"B").Value =""'* ean
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"C").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"B").Value '* name
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"D").Value =""'* status
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"E").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"C").Value '* price
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"F").Value = wsDPM.Cells(DPMRow,"E").Value '* qty
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"G").Value =""'* specialrice
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"H").Value =""'* specialate start
wsFPO2.Cells(FPO2Row,"I").Value =""'* specialate end

'* Part III: New worksheet to populate all duplicate items from Sheet 1 where price information was not found in Sheet 2
FPO3Row =1
'* no code written for this

If Err.Number =18Then PressedState =True

tStop = Format(Now(),"hh:mm:ss")
ProcOK =True
GoTo exitSub

With Application
.ScreenUpdating =True
.EnableEvents =True
.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
.EnableCancelKey = xlInterrupt
Application.ScreenUpdating =True
MsgBox "One or more data files was not found or is not available!", vbExclamation,"OPERATION ABORTED"

Application.ScreenUpdating =True
Application.StatusBar =False
wbFPM.Close False
wbDPM.Close False
Set wbFPM =Nothing
Set wbDPM =Nothing
Set wbFPO =Nothing
SelectCase ProcOK
With wsTool
MsgBox "Process started : "& tStart & vbCrLf & _
"Process ended at: "& tStop & vbCrLf & _
"Time elapsed: "& IIf(Hour(tStop)>= Hour(tStart), Format(tStop - tStart,"hh:mm:ss"), _
Format((tmidnite - tStart)+ tStop,"hh:mm:ss")), vbInformation,"Price Mapping completed sucessfully!"
MsgBox "Price Mapping not completed!", vbExclamation,"Price Mapping failed!"

PublicFunction findAcronym(tVal AsVariant)AsString
Dim rng As Range
With Sheets("Merchants").Range("B:B")
Set rng =.Find(What:=tVal, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)
IfNot rng IsNothingThen findAcronym = rng.Offset(0,-1).Value

PublicFunction fillColumnHeaders(ws As Worksheet)
Dim colNames AsVariant
Dim i AsInteger
Dim x AsInteger
colNames = Split("sku|ean|name|status|price|quantity|specialrice|specialate start|specialate end|","|")
With ws
x = WorksheetFunction.Max(1, LBound(colNames))
For i = LBound(colNames)To UBound(colNames)
.Cells(1, x).Value = colNames(i)
x = x +1
Next i

PublicFunction timeElapsed(tStart AsDate)AsDouble
Dim tStop AsDate
Dim elapsed AsDate
tStop = Time
If Hour(tStop)< Hour(tStart)Then
elapsed =(TimeSerial(23,59,59)- tStart)+ tStop
elapsed = tStop - tStart
timeElapsed = elapsed '* 86400

PublicFunction time2End(totalRows AsLong, processedRows AsLong, tStart AsDate)AsDouble
If Minute(tStart)=0Or processedRows =0Then time2End =0:ExitFunction
time2End =(totalRows * timeElapsed(tStart))/ processedRows
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:52
Oct 9, 2015
Can you put all the different functions or subs between the [code][/code] tags ?
It will make our readings easier.
Next i think that adding new variables in the middle of code is a bad habit. and makes the code a mess that you don't even understand anymore.

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