Evolution is Wrong...interesting video

Suggest you push on beyond Wiki:D

Blount, Z. D., C. Z. Borland, and R. E. Lenski. 2008. Historical contingency and the evolution of a key innovation in an experimental population of Escherichia coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 105:7899-7906.

Barrick, J. E., D. S. Yu, S. H. Yoon, H. Jeong, T. K. Oh, D. Schneider, R. E. Lenski, and J. F. Kim. 2009. Genome evolution and adaptation in a long-term experiment with Escherichia coli. Nature 461:1243-1247.

And the topic was very clear so you should have known not to open the thread.

The thread title was very clear and wrong so thought I would point it out.

Anyway I've posted a link to research that has been peer reviewed and is repeatable which clearly shows evolution to have been observed. If you are correct you will be able to show that this experiment is wrong :rolleyes:
So don't complain.

I wasn't complaining I was just pointing out how very wrong you are.

So are you going to admit evolution is correct or are you just going to ignore the evidence?
As I said, investigate further.

I did investigate further thats how I know of the experiment I referenced. It has been widely peer reviewed and can be replicated.

Now I am asking you to respond to the evidence that has clearly shown evolution to be real as it is your proposition that evolution is wrong.
But it doesn't prove evolution.

Anyway, I will be back on tomorrow as approaching 1am here and I am off to bed.
But it doesn't prove evolution.

Anyway, I will be back on tomorrow as approaching 1am here and I am off to bed.

A directly observed and repeatable experiment which shows evolution occuring doesn't prove evolution. :rolleyes:

So if directly observing evolution occuring in a controlled environment so as to preclude contamination, publishing the results and having them peer reviewed and also to be able to replicate the results and have others be able to replicate the results isn't enough to prove evolution what is?

Maybe he shouldn't have bothered with the evidence and just stuck a sophistic video on youtube instead:confused:
To do Access you obviously need to be able to use a keyboard. But just because someone can type a few key strokes does not mean Access will surface at the other end.

If the experiment conclusively assigned ID to the rubbish tin it would have been world breaking news, everywhere.
To do Access you obviously need to be able to use a keyboard. But just because someone can type a few key strokes does not mean Access will surface at the other end.

If the experiment conclusively assigned ID to the rubbish tin it would have been world breaking news, everywhere.

No it wouldn't because ID was never a credible theory in the first place, thats why it isn't taught at schools, except those who have vested interest in it and even then it isn't taught in science classrooms. There are even some people who believe in sky fairies and ID who accept evolution but don't believe that ID and evolution are mutually exclusive.

If someone had disproved evolution then that WOULD be MAJOR news.
Chergh, if you're going to debate Mike, then be prepared for a long and mostly fruitless process. I see he has already broken out the Access analogies, it won't be long before he starts using analogies of salesmen and their business practices.

Just to possibly help you, when Mike says "Odds", he really means non-scientific likelihood. When he says "evidence" he means stuff that he knows to be true through his personal life experiences. And when he says "something out there" he means telepathic-subliminal messages.

Good luck.
Thanks for that. I've had plenty of experience of Mike and I don't see him pulling a precambrian rabbit out of his hat on this topic. ;)
Chergh, if you're going to debate Mike, then be prepared for a long and mostly fruitless process. I see he has already broken out the Access analogies, it won't be long before he starts using analogies of salesmen and their business practices.
Don't let's forget his telepathic born again surgeon who gets income from Jesus
Don't let's forget his telepathic born again surgeon who gets income from Jesus
Or the way that the ants in the garden see him as God. That's my favourite. :D
Or the way that the ants in the garden see him as God. That's my favourite. :D

Really? The ants in my garden sometimes bite me. That's not very worshipful. I wonder what their bible is like? Are we all one God to them or are we a pantheon? So many little ant spirituality questions I'd like to ask!
Really? The ants in my garden sometimes bite me. That's not very worshipful. I wonder what their bible is like? Are we all one God to them or are we a pantheon? So many little ant spirituality questions I'd like to ask!
Personally, I'd smite them, but then I'm a rather vengeful God.

I'd like to think of their Bible as a smell, since I understand that's how they often communicate things? Also, I assume their religion is something like the old Egyptian system, where the Pharoah (or the Queen, in this case) is worshipped.

Those hills they build are obviously overly grandiose monuments to the Queen, no doubt suggested by their religious leaders (a la the Vatican).;)
The worst part of the evolution vs intelligent design debate is that one of the sides is named incorrectly. Intelligent design should really be UNintelligent design. We simply MUST be the result of chance evolution. No intelligent being would design a system where the garbage dump and playground are only inches from each other. No intelligent being would design a creature who can be killed by a thrust (NOT a slash) with a knife barely two inches long - and I don't mean head or neck targets either.

Inevitably, when someone says something about intelligent design, they are heading for the logical morass of trying to demonstrate a "God of the gaps" argument, which was proven to be a fallacy (of the non sequitur variety) long ago. By picking on gaps, arguing from incredulity, or arguing from (incompetent) authority, ID adherents generally demonstrate their ignorance in biology.

Anyone who is offended, please try to not take it personally unless the shoe actually fits.
Some other mistakes in "Intelligent Design".

The light sensitive cells of the retina are behind the blood vessel layer in vertebrates. (Apparently a different more competent god did the eye design in the Cephalopods.)

Mammalian lungs are about one twentieth the efficiency of those in birds. Much of the air leaving our lungs is breathed back in the next inhalation. Birds pass the air in one direction and don't need the flimsy, expandable structure of the other vertebrate lungs allowing the transfer surface to be much thinner. (The god that did the Cephalopod eye probably did birds lungs too.)

The entry portal to esophagus and the trachea are shared. Durrr!

The knee joint. What a complete joke! As said by an evolutionary biologist, "fins make very poor legs".

Some genes are stored in the mitochondria where they are vulnerable to the highly reactive processes of respiration. This has been described as keeping the blueprints in the boiler room.

Some of the nerves to the shoulders exit the spine then pass through a hole back into skull only to exit again through another hole. Huh?

The nerves to the forearm pass across a process on the fibula (the "funnybone"). Ouch!

And what in a god's name thought it was a good idea to push a baby's head out though such a small hole? (The competent god probably came up with marsupials too.)

BTW. It actually says in the Bible that God sentenced women to endure the pain of childbirth as punishment for the apple incident. Too bad we got assigned to a mysogynist product developer.

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