Filter and list box trouble (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:18
Jul 19, 2000
I have a form which is filtered to display the records according to what button is pressed. I need to show all Age Ranges for example, for a given ID if the Age Range button is clicked.

I've got a query which has combined the Contributer ID with the appropriate age range, but I can't seem to create a macro to just pull out the rows which are applicable to the Contributer ID on the form.

Also, I need to display the results on the form (only whenthe button is clicked), does this need to be a list box?

I'm an Access newbie, and desperate for help, I'm getting nowhere!

Thank in advance!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:18
Jul 19, 2000
Looking back, I don't think my description was very clear, more detail:

The Macro:

Select Object: Select the Query which is being used
Object Type: Query
Object Name: Contributer/Age_Link
In Database Window: Yes

Apply Filter: Apply the filter to the query (Contributer/Age_Link) to extract the records where the ID in the form(Contribs) is equal to the ID in the query.

Filter name: Contributer/Age_Link
Where condition: [Forms]![Contribs]![ID]=[Contributer/Age_Link]![ContribID]


The Query:
It did pull out and match all Contributer ID's to the applicable age ranges, I now have it so you enter the ID into the parameter box (e.g. 11), and it pulls out only records with contributer ID 11.

As I mentioned previously, I want to be able to click on a button on the Contribs Form, and it to display only the values where the ID on the form matches the ContribID in the Query.

Is this clearer? Please help!! :)

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