fullscreen Form Background


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 22:00
Jan 13, 2014
hello guys

I hope that I can solve my problem

for example my form is 20 cm width and 15 cm height with none border style

when opening the form I want the whole screen to be filled with a color and in the middle my form appear

and when I open any form also the colored background will fill the screen

I want to do this because there is forms small then the others and I don't want to use the visible function

any solution??
sir i downloaded the database
but am getting this error
Compile Error:
The Code in this project must be updated for use on 64-bit systems. Please review and update declare statements and then mark them with PtrSafe attribute

am using office 2016 64bit on windows 10 Pro 64bit

any solution please?
I'll fix it later today and post a new version here
Updated version attached

There were quite a few changes to make to get it to be 64-bit compatible.
Whilst I was at it, I added a on screen keyboard (for tablet use)

All features now work in 64-bit with the exception of balloon tooltips
As you don't need that bit, I'll fix that at another time.

The effect you'll get will be something like this:


i.e. nothing but the active form - no taskbar, no program menu etc
They should all be restored when you close the program (or earlier if you choose to disable the effect).


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