Galaxy Magazine Archive (1 Viewer)

Steve R.

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Yesterday, 23:23
Jul 5, 2006

In case you are unaware there is an excellent science fiction resource: The Internet Speculative Fiction Database

My favorite SF cover just happens to be from Galaxy:

PS: Note the story "The Lady Who Sailed the Soul" by Cordwainer Smith, an excellent story. Cordwainer's stories are compiled in:
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I wonder why real science fiction has gone out of fashion. The only thing on the shelves these days is fantasy.
I wonder why real science fiction has gone out of fashion. The only thing on the shelves these days is fantasy.
Good question. I don't know.
My freshman English teacher turned me on to SciFi and I'm still a fan. Haven't read any good stuff in at least 10 years.
Like you, my reading of SF, overtime, has diminished substantially. Seems that I have replaced reading with watching SF movies.
As an aside, today I ran across another article concerning Starship Troopers. My endless peeve concerning that movie is that those discussing never seem to realize that the society portrayed in the movie is 1950s US culture.
One hard SF writer, who is still alive :) , is C. J. Cherryh. She is "following the curve" in writing less and less. I haven't bought her new book yet.
My problem is there's too many syfy choices for my kindle.
Since it seems that you have a difficult time with decision making, for a nominal fee, I can help you with narrowing down what you should read. 🤣 🤣
Although I have never really gotten into science fiction very much, yet, I always used to appreciate Star Trek when I did see it.
There was something authentically moral about it that you just don't find any more very much and I absolutely loved that aspect of it, thought it was healthy for the viewers.

Reminds me of Walker - Texas Ranger, which I feel the same way about. Always emphasizing doing the right thing, de-emphasizing violence, and de-glamorizing it. Emphasizing family, marriage, etc.
I have a easier time reading from a kindle vs reading from a computer or tablet.
Actually you deserve a compliment. I bought a tablet to read book, but never have. 🙄 🙄 I guess they simply don't replace books, though you would expect that.
I really dislike reading on a tablet. Part of the problem is always having to carry around the tablet/kindle. I read paperbacks so that I can always have a book handy when I want to read so I tend to have 4 going at one time unless I'm so into one that I'm willing to drag it around with me.

I went to Barnes and Noble recently. They seem to have stopped stocking mass market paperbacks which are now marked at $10.99 anyway in favor of the bigger format which are marked at $18.99. Way too much for a one-time use even though I have people I share books with. Looks like I'm going to end up more than a year behind on new releases and I'll be buying hard-covers for $3.98 with free shipping from Amazon if that's the way they all want to play:poop:

I really miss Border's. They always had the absolute best selection of technical books. I spent hours there looking for solutions. If a book solved at least two problems, I bought it. I don't buy computer books any more because they tend to be a disappointment.

I've managed to convince my local BJ's to keep carrying the mass-market versions but they don't necessarily carry all my favorite authors. But at BJ's the books are 6.99-8.99 depending on the author. I wasn't successful with Costco and they're down to not even carrying hard covers.

As it is, authors get a pretty small cut of the retail price so although several authors are wildly rich, most if successful are just poor rich;)

Given that there is 0 production cost for Kindle versions once the format is done, they are way over priced.

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