Get Stats About VBA Project

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George Moore

Access 2002,2010 & 2016
Local time
Yesterday, 21:59
Aug 29, 2013

This is something I wrote for my own curiosity because I wanted to know how many lines of code were in a project but it may be useful to other developers.

It is a fairly simple sub which seqentially examines all tables, forms, reports and modules in a project and produces stats about number of fields, controls, VBA functions, lines of code etc.

It is only intended to be used on design masters not ACCDE files.

As all forms are opened, scrutinised and closed, you will need to close & re-open the database or run an autoexec macro to return to a dashboard when it has completed.

Sub ProduceStats()
Rem 2017.04.04.04 Set Up
    Dim s1 As String
    Dim v1 As Variant
    On Error GoTo oops
Rem 2017.04.04.04 Table Stats
    Dim NoOfTables As Long, NoOfFields As Long, NoOfRecords As Long

    For Each v1 In CurrentDb.TableDefs
        NoOfTables = NoOfTables + 1
        NoOfFields = NoOfFields + v1.Fields.Count
        NoOfRecords = NoOfRecords + DCount("*", v1.Name)
    Next v1
Rem 2017.04.04.04 Form Stats
    Dim NoOfForms As Long, NoOfControls As Long, NoOfModules As Long, NoOfFunctions As Long, CodeLines As Long, LineNumber As Long

    For v1 = 0 To CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents.Count - 1
        s1 = CurrentDb.Containers("Forms").Documents(v1).Name
        NoOfForms = NoOfForms + 1
        DoCmd.OpenForm s1, acDesign, , , , acHidden
        NoOfControls = NoOfControls + Forms(s1).Controls.Count
        If Forms(s1).HasModule = True Then
            NoOfModules = NoOfModules + 1
            CodeLines = CodeLines + Forms(s1).Module.CountOfLines
            For LineNumber = 1 To Forms(s1).Module.CountOfLines
                If Trim(UCase(Forms(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "FUNCTION *" _
                Or Trim(UCase(Forms(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "SUB *" _
                Or Trim(UCase(Forms(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "PRIVATE FUNCTION *" _
                Or Trim(UCase(Forms(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "PRIVATE SUB * " Then
                    NoOfFunctions = NoOfFunctions + 1
                End If
            Next LineNumber
        End If
        DoCmd.Close acForm, s1, acSaveYes
    Next v1
Rem 2017.04.04.04 Reports

    Dim NoOfReports As Long
    For v1 = 0 To CurrentDb.Containers("Reports").Documents.Count - 1
        s1 = CurrentDb.Containers("Reports").Documents(v1).Name
            NoOfReports = NoOfReports + 1
            DoCmd.OpenReport s1, acDesign, , , , acHidden
            NoOfControls = NoOfControls + Reports(s1).Controls.Count
            If Reports(s1).HasModule = True Then
                CodeLines = CodeLines + Reports(s1).Module.CountOfLines
                For LineNumber = 1 To Reports(s1).Module.CountOfLines
                    If Trim(UCase(Reports(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "FUNCTION *" _
                    Or Trim(UCase(Reports(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "SUB *" _
                    Or Trim(UCase(Reports(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "PRIVATE FUNCTION *" _
                    Or Trim(UCase(Reports(s1).Module.Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "PRIVATE SUB * " Then
                        NoOfFunctions = NoOfFunctions + 1
                    End If
                Next LineNumber
            End If
            DoCmd.Close acReport, s1, acSaveYes
    Next v1
Rem 2017.04.04.04 Modules
    For v1 = 0 To CurrentProject.AllModules.Count - 1
        s1 = CurrentProject.AllModules(v1).Name
        DoCmd.OpenModule s1
        CodeLines = CodeLines + Modules(s1).CountOfLines
        For LineNumber = 1 To Modules(s1).CountOfLines
            If Trim(UCase(Modules(s1).Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "FUNCTION *" _
            Or Trim(UCase(Modules(s1).Lines(LineNumber, 1))) Like "SUB * " Then
                NoOfFunctions = NoOfFunctions + 1
            End If
        Next LineNumber
        On Error Resume Next
        DoCmd.Close acModule, s1, acSaveYes
        On Error GoTo oops
    Next v1

Rem 2017.04.04.04 Compile Message

    s1 = "Tables : = " & NoOfTables & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Fields : = " & NoOfFields & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Records : = " & NoOfRecords & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Forms : = " & NoOfForms & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Reports : = " & NoOfReports & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Controls : = " & NoOfControls & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Functions : = " & NoOfFunctions & vbNewLine
    s1 = s1 & "Lines Of Code := " & CodeLines
    MsgBox s1
Rem 2017.04.04.04 Compile Message
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Error$

End Sub
The function created by George worked well for me on a small database with no backend tables taking less than 5 seconds to complete

However, when tested on a very large split database, it was terribly slow taking over 18 minutes to complete. See detailed comments on this thread:

I decided to make my own version which has additional information and more importantly ran far faster on my test databases. Times for the above databases were reduced to about 1 second and 1 minute respectively

The output is sent to the immediate window :


It is also displayed as a message box:


The message box layout isn't as neat as I'd like. However, I've spent too long on this today to do any more.

At some point in the future, I may add provision to save the data to a log text file as a further option

You will need to copy all the following items to your own databases.
- Table - tblSysObjectTypes
- Queries - qryDatabaseObjects, qryDatabaseObjectCount & (optionally) qryDatabaseObjectSummary
- Modules modDatabaseStatistics & modVBECode

You will also need to add the VBA reference: Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3


  • DatabaseStats.accdb
    672 KB · Views: 705
  • DatabaseStats1.jpg
    81.8 KB · Views: 2,155
  • DatabaseStat2.PNG
    16.2 KB · Views: 2,017
Last edited:
Belatedly discovered that if you have the MZ Tools add in, it contains its own statistics feature which is very fast.


The output can be exported to a text file or Excel.


  • CaptureMZ.PNG
    26 KB · Views: 1,428
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