Getting Error 3035 System resource exceeded. (2 Viewers)

Actually, that makes sense. GROUP BY (sorting) often puts a strain on any system since it has to create a temporary index internally to assist in the sort operation. I'm not saying Access does this, but other systems I have worked with must have extra disk resources when a SORT is on the line. It would not surprise me to see that Access hit the disk hard for the ORDER BY as well.
Wish I had thought of this before because you probably won't try it now, but -

you open at least 2 queries in Add mode (no idea how resource intensive they might be since we can't see them). Given the rest of the code, it's doubtful that you have time to manually do anything with them as far as edits or appends is concerned before the rest of the code executes. Besides, IIRC you can't Add to it anyway so why open it at all vs executing it (as already mentioned)?

The basic thought here started out as "what happens to your issue if you explicitly close a query after opening it in terms of this resources issue?" but kinda morphed back into "why open it at all?"
Its something else happening, because at some point, even a delete query causes the system resources to be exceeded. I can close the data base, reopen it, after compacting, and get the same error on a simple query, even a delete query.

So I am sure that the database is corrupted somewhere, and I have to reboot the laptop to get the database to work again.

SOLVED: Getting Error 3035 System resource exceeded.

Found the answer: a back end database had exceeded the 2GB limit, because a back end database doesn't compact on close after a query action. I finally looked at the back end opened it, and then closed it, and now all is fine in access land. . .

Though I am migrating all the data to an azure sql server, thank goodness!

finally get away from these toy databases as you CAN't run a $20B company on access and spreadsheets, though some try!

Sorry that didn't help. I too have experienced the error message but I put it down to the fact that the laptop was old and the db was replicated. Altering the registry only helped a bit, and I also had to reboot pc to get any satisfaction.

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