Getting odd errors after update

Local time
Today, 15:58
Apr 28, 2022
Hi, anyhelp on the following would be much appreciated. Last Wednesday evening I implemented changes to our DBS and a couple of the users reported errors when they logged in the next morning.

The implementation involved back end and front end changes so I took back ups, applied the BE changes, tested then took another back up and then did a compact and repair of the BE and whilst it was doing that I forgot how slow the prod environment is compared to dev and accidentally clicked on close before it had finished. I immediately realised my mistake and left it to finish. However, it didn't complain. I then created a new front end (accde) and seeing as it tested OK I rolled it out to our 8 users.

The next day a couple of users were complaining of a mouse event error on the same form (create appointment). No one else was getting it although they were all on the same code release. The error was triggered when loading the form so it didn't make sense that only some people got the error and not others. As a last resort I did another compact and repair of the BE then took the FE accdb and created a new accde and deployed it to one of the users. The problem immediately went away and then a little later the other user phoned up to say the problem had gone away for them too even though I hadn't reinstalled their accde.

Then on Monday two different users complained that they were getting an error when trying to create new client records. I tried through their logins this morning and encountered the same error. The user I use all the time as a trial for all releases was not getting any errors. So for one of the users I sent them a copy of the accde that the trial user was using and installed it for them. The error immediately went away. Then when the trial user tried to create a new client a little later they started getting the same error. So they went to the user that was now working and they entered the same details and it worked.



91 is the error code. For both error messages where the code errors there have been no code changes for over a year. I'm thinking the fiasco with the initial compact and repair has caused all the issues. I can't remember clearly but a couple of years ago I think I was getting random error messages that didn't make sense and the way out was to rebuild the database. I'm hoping that won't be the case this time. Although I have a back up, reapplying 6 days of updates might be harder than a rebuild.
On the front end have you tried a Compile and see if it hangs anywhere?
If possible, open Access on a machine that shows this error and attempt to examine the references to see if any are missing or broken. After an update it is possible to have gotten trapped by a reference. The reason I went in that direction is that when dealing with objects, a large part of the time an object is controlled by something in a referenced support module.
If possible, open Access on a machine that shows this error and attempt to examine the references to see if any are missing or broken. After an update it is possible to have gotten trapped by a reference. The reason I went in that direction is that when dealing with objects, a large part of the time an object is controlled by something in a referenced support module
Thanks I'll have a look. I only use 4. How can I tell if they are broken though?
Thanks I'll have a look. I only use 4. How can I tell if they are broken though?

Usually if there is a problem, they will give you a "tag" that says "Missing" or "Broken" next to the name that shows up beneath the references list.
So, I checked the references and nothing was missing but I did eventually find the issue with the second error and it was a bug that had always been there. I originally thought the two issues might be related to some sort of corruption but obviously not so I'll ignore the mouse error for the moment and see if it comes back. Thank you both for your help
Just throwing my two cents in, because error 91 is a pain. It means you started an IF statement with no End IF or a Select Case with no End Select. But C&R would catch these. So, I am suggesting you look for the Dim dbs as DAO.Database without the Set dbs = CurrentDb in the procedure. That's the object variable not being set part of the error message. This error will survive C&R and only show up during execution, which is really annoying. Having said that, double-check every IF statement and pay particular attention to the nested ones.
If you use sub forms, go into design mode from the main form and drill down to the subs. Open the properties form and make sure the combo box above the five tabs has the sub form's name in it. Happened to me recently and that's a can't find error.
Another suggestion, look for events associated with the mouse movement. I have seen events like enter, exit and after update get disconnected from the form. You update a text box, and the after-update event never fires. Put stops in the code and make sure the events you are expecting to fire are in fact being executed. The fix here is to copy the code into notepad. Delete the event and do a C&R. Go back to the form and create the event and paste back the code. Leave out the top and bottom lines (Private Sub ... and End Sub) and that should re-link the form event to the code.
Finally, open a new, blank database and import what you need for the forms that you suspect are causing the problem to work. Try to recreate the error. Keep importing until the error re-occurs. When the error pops up, incrementally delete things from the forms until the problem disappears. If this takes too long, or you can't recreate the error, then maybe importing everything into a blank database will fix the problem. Hope this helps. Good luck.
The first error "The expression On MouseMove..." is commonly cause by putting a name in the Event slot of an OnMouseMove event and that name is spelled incorrectly. This would happen if you had a Macro you wanted to run but botched typing it in. That you get a supplemental explanation of "File Not Found" is both helpful and NOT helpful since somehow Access thinks you are referring to an external file. Look at the offending form's properties in design mode and select the Events list. Look really hard at the MouseMove event to see what you have there, because that is where your error starts. Trace forward from there.

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