help with docmd.sendobject and multiple windows (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 12:07
Nov 29, 2012
I'm hoping there is a way to solve my problem with out backtracking to another method (did I hit a wall?).

I've gone down the road of using docmd.sendobject for sending out reports from an access database because I don't have to save the attachment to media that way, I can just create and send. My problem is I want the user to be able to generate a batch of emails, edit them and the send them. The docmd.sendobject is only letting me bring up the emails for editing one at a time. The user either has to send the current email or save it in order to bring up the next email to be sent. I also noticed outlook and access are not operable until the user deals with the email pop up window. This is super annoying, how can i have docmd bring up an email to edit in outlook like "normal" where its just another window on the users screen and so that multiple emails windows can be generated simultaneously? I'm having trouble googling this.

Dim r As DAO.Recordset
Set r = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT invoiceno, scontact from invoice where please_email = True")
If Not (r.EOF And r.BOF) Then
    Do Until r.EOF = True
        DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Invoice_Email", acFormatPDF, r!SContact, , , "BAM!", "double bam", -1
End If


President, FMS Inc
Local time
Today, 15:07
Nov 20, 2008
Take a look at our paper on the features and limitations of the DoCmd.SendObject command:

If you want your users to easily send personalized emails on their own to their lists and attach filtered PDF reports to each of them, I think you'll find our commercial product, Total Access Emailer, much more cost effective than trying to program it yourself. Information on the product is here:

A free trial is here:

Hope this helps.

Luke Chung
FMS, Inc.
Microsoft MVP

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