How to create Folder exist from TABLE and Syncing in Data Form (1 Viewer)

No idea ! how I call code inside the loop.
I said --- Move the code that creates the folders so that it is between the Do and the Loop rather than after the loop finishes.

If you want to call the code, Create a separate procedure and call it from INSIDE the loop but you need to pass it the value from the loop if you want to do it this way.
I said --- Move the code that creates the folders so that it is between the Do and the Loop rather than after the loop finishes.

If you want to call the code, Create a separate procedure and call it from INSIDE the loop but you need to pass it the value from the loop if you want to do it this way.
okay . I will try...
if I put the code inside the loop then CREATE all folders under the MASTER FILE folder.
not separated create a record value under the record value

' create sub-folder under the main folder
    Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    If fs.FolderExists(SubFolderPath) Then
        fs.CreateFolder (SubFolderPath)
    End If
' create current folder under the subfolder
    Do Until rst.EOF
        rstData = rst!FolderName
        fs.CreateFolder (SubFolderPath & "\" & rstData)
    MsgBox "Done "
End Sub
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Can some one help me to auto uploaded the Image from my table location ?
My app is split.

Note :
if my FileType is PDF then need only Path by EmployeeID

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