How to present a list of items to the user where some of those rows may be unavailable (i.e. -greyed out /disabled) (1 Viewer)

One thing. In post 8 you made it sound like resolution was as I have it. But in post 16 you made it sound as each action could have a resolution. I do not get the meaning behind that.
wow, thanks for the ideas and all the work! I'll play around with that later as I've got a busy schedule for the next three days.

ps: I like the check marks

Does this chart make sense about the actions and resolutions?
Dilithium Crystals.jpg
Others have gone through the workflow with you, so I will confine myself to just answering your original question.

You cannot, strictly speaking, disable an item in a ListBox or Combobox, but you can use the AfterUpdate, BeforeUpdate or OnClick events to ignore such a selection.

I have a few such cases, where I have such a control with stuff I don't want the user to select, such as:

** Fruits **
** Vegetables **
** Berries **

In the event code, I would check to see if the user has selected a line that has asterisks, and not permit the selection of such a line. You can handle this in many different ways - flash an error message, just ignore it, go to a a default value. In the BeforeUpdate event, you can even not let the user leave the control until he has selected something sensible, although you want to be careful about that - it can be very irritating. At the very least, you should let the user leave without making a selection of any sort.

You can modify the source for your control to put an asterisk before the selections that you would have wanted to disable, or you could simply leave such items out of the source, although that can also be irritating, since user will sometimes remember that they saw something and wonder where it went. That's why controls are generally disabled rather than hidden when you don't want the user to access them. Since you can't do that with the individual items in these list-driven controls, a visual indication that an item is off-limits might work just as well.
Again I think you just need to track if the Issue has been resolved not if the warning/legal action has been resolved. unless somehow those represent two different things which has not been explained. If this is the case you will have to explain.

If you had open 1st warning, 2nd Warning, and Legal Action assigned to you and then you decide you will resolve your problem, would you somehow have a different dates when you resolved each warning and the legal action? If so explain that. If not you resolve the issue not the warning and the resolution date is a single record in the Enforcement_T table.

If my logic is correct then your blue diamonds should all read "Has the issue been resolved"

If my assumption is correct my solution does all of what your flow chart does and provides a visual record.
If 30 days pass since a warning then it alerts you to submit the next warning by formatting the action red. If a resolution date exists then you cannot send more warnings and it shows green as resolved.

Currently I simply show that it is time to send out the next warning or legal action using conditional formatting. I could also add a pop up message like "30 days has elapsed since the last Warning please issue next warning or legal action notice."
Again I think you just need to track if the Issue has been resolved not if the warning/legal action has been resolved. unless somehow those represent two different things which has not been explained. If this is the case you will have to explain.

If you had open 1st warning, 2nd Warning, and Legal Action assigned to you and then you decide you will resolve your problem, would you somehow have a different dates when you resolved each warning and the legal action? If so explain that. If not you resolve the issue not the warning and the resolution date is a single record in the Enforcement_T table.

If my logic is correct then your blue diamonds should all read "Has the issue been resolved"

If my assumption is correct my solution does all of what your flow chart does and provides a visual record.
If 30 days pass since a warning then it alerts you to submit the next warning by formatting the action red. If a resolution date exists then you cannot send more warnings and it shows green as resolved.

Currently I simply show that it is time to send out the next warning or legal action using conditional formatting. I could also add a pop up message like "30 days has elapsed since the last Warning please issue next warning or legal action notice."
Ahhh, I see what you're saying now (cranial light bulb illumination). And I agree that it makes more sense to resolve the overall issue rather than resolve the individual warning/legal action. Thanks for all of you help with this, I sincerely appreciate it.

BTW, what happened to the file you attached in post #19? When I went to click on it, it vanished. It's fine if you don't wish to repost it, I think I can figure out what I need to do now that you've shown me the error of my ways! 😆

Thanks again!
BTW, what happened to the file you attached in post #19?
I saw an issue with new records so I meant to replace it with an updated version. The new version is now in thread #20 (Version 3). I also put a button to delete the last action

Normally I do the opposite an discourage people from trying to come up with a non standard form design where the solution can be done simpler with native subforms, or combos, or listboxes or other controls. In this case I played with combos that only showed the next possible choice and list boxes. The solutions were becoming more complicated and were not very illustrative. I found this approach pretty easy to code to do all the things like alerting and showing what was done and what was available. I found it more visual where you can clearly see what has been done in the process, its status (late or not), and the next steps.
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ok, forgive my ignorance here as I'm new to this forum, but how do I mark this as solved and give credit to MajP for the solution?

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