Incrementing Number Field (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 17:11
May 15, 2006
Hi everyone

I have a report that shows a list of runners that are going to be in a race.

How can I create a count on the left hand side of the report that shows an incrementing number i.e if there are 8 runners the numbers will show 1 through to 8.

I cannot attach these numbers to the runners permanently because the runners will be in a different order every race.

James :) :)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 01:11
Mar 2, 2001
You can number the items in your report by using a calculated control and the RunningSum property. First, you create a text box and set its ControlSource property to =1.

Then, you set the RunningSum property for the text box. If you want the numbering to start over for each group, set the property to Over Group. If you want to accumulate a running sum for the entire report, set the property to Over All

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