Indenting and Spacing Revisited. (1 Viewer)

When I see aliases in the FROM I know I am dealing with someone who's main objective isn't to write good SQL but to convince other people they know how to write good SQL.

Except for folks like me who don't give a rat's patootie about whether it is perfect SQL, but who DO need aliases when the table names are long enough to have a decent chance of being mis-typed. Not to mention that when a sub-query is involved, those aliases are somewhat required.
If your embedded SQL selects a couple of fields from a couple of tables and has no IIf() or subselects or other such things then who cares whether you use alias or not? Once the query gets too big to grasp in a paragraph, then alias' go a long way toward making them readable. I do try to use one or two letter alias' but make them relate to the table names to ease the memory issues.

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