Hey guys,
I'm not sure where this has gone wrong, done a lot of searching and googling and different attempts with the " & ' but just can't seem to find it...
Basically its scrapping a webpage and then fires the below to add it all into a table.
It works perfectly with debug.print, but the table insert always gives the Run-time error '3075' error. Seems to be to do with txtDetailedDescription as the next part of the error message is Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "** general comments **
and so on, which is part of what the fields value should be.
I'm sure its something easy that I have overlooked or at least I hope so!
Thanks guys!
I'm not sure where this has gone wrong, done a lot of searching and googling and different attempts with the " & ' but just can't seem to find it...
Basically its scrapping a webpage and then fires the below to add it all into a table.
It works perfectly with debug.print, but the table insert always gives the Run-time error '3075' error. Seems to be to do with txtDetailedDescription as the next part of the error message is Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression "** general comments **
and so on, which is part of what the fields value should be.
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [tempITAM]([iTamNumber], [lblLastResolvedDate], [lblClosedDate], [txtDescription], [txtWorkLog], [txtDetailedDescription], [txtResolution])" & _
"VALUES ('" & rs("iTamNumb") & "', '" & lblLastResolvedDate & "', '" & lblClosedDate & "', '" & txtDescription & "', '" & txtWorkLog & "', '" & txtDetailedDescription & "', '" & txtResolution & "');"
I'm sure its something easy that I have overlooked or at least I hope so!
Thanks guys!