Load Local PDF into Webbrowser (1 Viewer)


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Today, 09:58
May 21, 2018
In relation to this thread

I wanted to demo this. So I select a report and export to the current folder. That works fine. Then I want to display that in the web browser, and sometimes it works but most of the time it does not. The problem is not with Access but with adobe.

  On Error GoTo CmboReport_AfterUpdate_Error
  Dim rptName As String
  Dim FullPath As String
  Dim cs As String
  If Not IsNull(Me.CmboReport) Then
    rptName = Me.CmboReport
    FullPath = CurrentProject.Path
    FullPath = FullPath & "\" & rptName & ".pdf"
    exportPDF rptName, FullPath
    cs = "= " & Chr(34) & FullPath & Chr(34)
    Me.wbBrowser.ControlSource = cs
    'Do While Me.wbBrowser.Object.Busy Or Me.wbBrowser.Object.ReadyState <> 4
    '  DoEvents
  End If
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure CmboReport_AfterUpdate, line " & Erl & "." & vbCrLf & "ControlSource " & cs
End Sub

Private Sub exportPDF(ReportName As String, FullPath As String)
    On Error GoTo exportPDF_Error
  Dim fileName As String
  DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, ReportName, acFormatPDF, FullPath
    On Error GoTo 0
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in procedure exportPDF, line " & Erl & "."
End Sub

This is the error from Adobe. Nothing is trapped in VBA

But sometimes it works and loads. Only certain reports work.


I tried doing the do events loop, but I believe it never exits and nothing ever renders.

Any Ideas? Thanks.


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I do not have Adobe on my laptop, but you have not supplied the exportPDF code?, so I can see if it works for me?
Can you please supply a dB that I can just run for you?
All the reports open fine for me. There is some type of pop up that flashes too fast to read before it loads.
I cycled through them all 4 times.
I do not have Adobe on my laptop, but you have not supplied the exportPDF code?, so I can see if it works for me?
Can you please supply a dB that I can just run for you?
Unrecognised DB for me. Too new, sorry. :(
Works all the time every time with Nitro PDF pro... HOWEVER
If i select a report it works, if i then select a different report it works but if i select a report then select the same report again i get an error Invalid Folder Path, Please Update Code
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Pretty sure the culprit is always Adobe's activeX plugin... That thing doesn't work for me even if I load directly to IE without a web browser control.

Anyways, you might still have the DocumentComplete event, you could try setting the control source from there or use something else for loading PDF files. Like a JS library that works with IE. Or the new browser control, if you have it.
I added the export code to the original thread.

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