Login Form (1 Viewer)

Query parameters also prevent SQL injection.
Unfortunately, you cannot use parameters with DLookup.
Better not to store the password at all.

Instead, use a hashing algorithm to hash the password and store the hash.

Then, upon password entry, perform a hash of the password entry and compare it to the hash stored against the user.
Unfortunately, you cannot use parameters with DLookup.
I do. You just put them in the query rather than using a table.
That is at least four times someone has asked what the data type of the password column is. Maybe you should answer. I find it hard to believe that it is numeric but what do I know.
hi pat,

sorry takes time to answer, off to site.

Anyway, i got it working with the orig code.. yes my bad, all i thought is a numeric, until i verify the table..

my apologies to all..

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