Merge Columns (1 Viewer)



Rich said:
Who is we? Just you and your over inflated ego? :rolleyes:
Is it the long dark Aussie winter nights that's making a couple of Antipodeans posting here pugnacious at the minute?

If you are happy being a misquoter, and obviously you are, then so be it.

If you think I would be the only person that was unhappy with a misquoter and especially a poster who has your number of postings then I think you are very mistaken.

As to being pugnacious, this thread is the same as the other thread, that is, you and some others start it, I only respond.

But if I was you I would delete your "misquote" posting on this thread. If you are prepared to let in stand, then you are a liar for sure.


"We and some others" actually try and give sensible advice and constructive criticism.
You took your ass in your hand when your ego got dented, even more so when it was deflated by a Sheila :eek:


Rich said:
"We and some others" actually try and give sensible advice and constructive criticism.
You took your ass in your hand when your ego got dented, even more so when it was deflated by a Sheila :eek:

I don't think so. Firstly Pat Hartman was off course in her comments because she could not read what the poster wanted. Some of you said Maclys solution was the best, even though it won't work.

But none of that changes the fact that you are a misquoter and probably a multi identity on the forum.

For something that is obviously your life being a misquoter is a very poor foundation.

Anyway, we are not getting anywhere and I need to to start some work soon, so Good Evening.


PS. Do try and keep the misquotes to a minimum


I don't want to learn anything, I don't have time to do any research, I don't want to change anything, I'm too busy selling insurance, There's nothing wrong with my database, you're all wrong, and in any case I'm selling this pile of cr.. to an unsuspecting mug in a couple of years.....I'd love to see how you do it though
Better? :rolleyes:


Back once again...
Local time
Today, 11:31
Dec 10, 2002
Right, toys back in the pram you lot. :D

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 06:31
Feb 19, 2002
I don't think so. Firstly Pat Hartman was off course in her comments because she could not read what the poster wanted. Some of you said Maclys solution was the best, even though it won't work.
maclys solution will work. You just don't understand it because it is not convoluted. The poster said that not more than one column contained data. I responded to your question (not betheball's)
But will Malcy's rub out the T1 entries placed in T5 with T2 entries and so on or does an update like that have the effect of simply moving the entries sideways.
regarding what would happen if there was invalid data. You seemed to think that this made you "right". No one cared what would happen should there be multiple entries because betheball said they didn't exist!

WayneRyan's solution which was posted later will also work and is actually simplier since it involves running only one update query. If this were something that had to be done on a regular basis. This solution would be the best. As I said earlier, for a one time conversion, efficiency isn't the most important aspect of a solution.

Take a tip from what Rich does. I asked a question about getting numbers from 1 to 1010 onto one page. He solved my problem even though the question was addressed to you. The facts are you would not be able to solve the problem because you would be unable to read that we only want a printout.
I did not respond to this for several reasons:
1. Rich gave you the answer that worked from where you were.
2. You preempted someone else's post. Your question had nothing to do with the topic being discussed.
3. You would not have wanted to hear my answer. It did not involve any code that you would reject. It did not involve any SQL that you would reject. It did not involve any macros. It did not involve creating any spurious forms. All you would need to do would be to understand a single property setting for a single table column and your data entry could have been done from page 1 - 1010 and still have randomized the doctors. And, you wouldn't have needed a printout AT ALL!
4. When you get down to the bottom line, I really don't really feel a need to waste my time trying to come up with a workable solution that you would accept. You obviously would not have liked my answer because it would have told you how to approach the problem rather than bailling you out of the rat's nest you had created.
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Dear Pat,

Once again you prove that you don't read.

I did not respond to this for several reasons:
1. Rich gave you the answer that worked from where you were.

Worked perfectly and took a couple of minutes inlcuding printing.

2. You preempted someone else's post. Your question had nothing to do with the topic being discussed.3.

Not true, Both questions revolved around transferring data to different fields, the post was from 4 fields to q field and mine was from one field to many fields

You would not have wanted to hear my answer.

The fact I accepted and instantly put in places Rich's solution shows that you are wrong......given that both of you crticise me with equal frequency and on the same subject matter.

It did not involve any code that you would reject. It did not involve any SQL that you would reject. It did not involve any macros. It did not involve creating any spurious forms.

Same deal for Rich's solution.

All you would need to do would be to understand a single property setting for a single table column and your data entry could have been done from page 1 - 1010 and still have randomized the doctors.

I did not have to understand anything new with Rich's solution because I was already familiar with Reports.

And, you wouldn't have needed a printout AT ALL!

Yopu just can't read. Commonsense would tell anyone that a printout would be required. If there was no printout I would then have to make something they could click on to note a completed page. Commonsense would tell you that such a job of sifting out doctors names would be a printout of the page as someone sits and watches TV as they do it.

"4. When you get down to the bottom line, I really don't really feel a need to waste my time trying to come up with a workable solution that you would accept. You obviously would not have liked my answer because it would have told you how to approach the problem rather than bailling you out of the rat's nest you had created".

Again you can't or won't read. I do not produce the doctor's book. So whatever rat's nest is there is not of my creation.

Have a nice day.


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