Open another form to display record (1 Viewer)

To see what can happen below is your query. What can happen with inner joins is you may only see records when there are matching values in both tables.

So it may happen if you do not have a trashcan you cannot show a record, if you do not have a salutation you cannot show a record. or if the appID is not in the summary for some reason you cannot show a record.

So your baseline table is tblAppTenant. You want to show all records from this table. Regardless if it has a trashcan, salutation, or is in the summary table.
So you need to flow away from the base table. At a minimum you may want to do this to avoid the problems I described.


You still want to show a record if it does not have a trash can, or salutation, or in the summary for some reason. Just remember your arrows flow away from your base table. However, it would not hurt to do this either.

This is overkill. You properly set up TblAppTenant to have a composite key on AppID and TenantID and required this to be uniqe. So you cannot duplicate assigning the same tenant to the same apartment, but you will always have an AppID and TenantID.

FYI. I tested this on your current design. If I remove a trashcan or remove a Salutation that record no longer shows in your query.
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Hi guys,

many thanks for your replies!
I will take a look at it and get back to you!

I am trying to use different joins but often I get an error that is not allowed to use inner joins or left joins so I need to understand this more where you can use it or not.

I will try and as I said get back to you!

Cheers for your input!


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