Prevent Unloading of Forms on Changing Tab of Navigation Form


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Local time
Today, 05:56
Apr 14, 2020

I want to create new main page of my app which I want to make like ribbon. I wanted to use custom ribbons but since my app is in Urdu/Arabic language and font supporting good readability of these language is reauired to be applied for labels etc in the ribbon. From this post, it seems that font cannot be changed in custom ribbons so other option is to use navigation form to emulate ribbon like interface.

Only hurdle to use navigation form right now is that I use automatic form resizing code to resize controls based on screen resolution and user selection (user can resize form to his desired width and height). But issue is when tab on navigation for is changed (say from home page to more page), home page is unloaded and more page is loaded. When home page is clicked again, form is loaded with design dimensions as windows boundaries are not changed and so resizing code don't fire up. I think this issue can be resolved if there is a way to prevent this loading unloading behaviour of navigation form if it is possible.

Best Regards
Navigation forms can only ever have one subform loaded. That is built in to the form design and cannot be altered.
If that's not what you want, then you need to scrap that and use your own custom form.
I never use the built in navigation form as it has many limitations

You mentioned automatic form resizing but not which code you are using.
If you are using my code, there is an emulated navigation form in my example app that may be useful
Thanks for the reply and link. I have seen your demo before and after seeing that I am using tab control to emulate navigation form as you did. But tab control is working fine in my current setup but the new setup I am planning to make is easily possible with built-in navigation form (if it had option to prevent unloading of previous subform). Unfortunately that is not possible as you said that, I will try to emulate with tab control and will post here if find any hurdle.
My emulated navigation form uses toggle buttons and a subform. There is no tab control.

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