Solved Problems in Printing Report


To train a dog, first know more than the dog..
Local time
Yesterday, 18:48
Apr 1, 2019
All, this is driving me nuts!. I have a report that includes a linked subreport & within that another linked subreport. When I preview the report all is well, but when I print the report to either a printer or as a PDF it is formatted so that upon change in the record on the subform (inspection Section)it attempts to print the next record beside the first. If I've made sense!!. I've unsuccessfully looked everywhere to see whether there is some reference to 2 columns in the subreport. I've attached (maybe not the best) screenshot of the report. The body of the sub-sub report is an image that is resized & works fine.

Appreciate a 'heads up'
Also if you 'Print Preview' the report it shows a snippet of the columns on the right..
Figured it. Just needed to understand how multicolumn reports are formatted. I've learnt something new!

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