Query to find records not between two dates (1 Viewer)

In a nutshell, I'm trying to create a report showing who hasn't made a payment between a selected date range, that's it.
I don't know what the actual field names are, but the logic is:
< Date1 OR > Date2 OR Payment Amount ISNULL (because these people didn't make any payment at all)
SQL is calculation of quantities. Here:
Active people minus people who paid in the period

   parStart Date,
   parEnd Date
         active = true
   ) AS P
               PaymentDay BETWEEN parStart AND parEnd
         ) AS X
         ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf
   X.PersonIDf IS NULL

@Gasman: For longer periods, almost every payment will not fall within your narrow period, including those made two or three years ago. So you cannot effectively identify active non-payers with this.
Can you please tell me how to pass the start and end dates, which are chosen from a form, to the sql query?
Very gladly. Passing parameters to a query is the basics that you just have to know on the fly. Therefore, some variants in which the completed query is assigned to a form as a data source.

1) Real parameter query and transfer of parameters via VBA
' Helper functions in a standard module
Public Function GetRecordsetParamQuery(ByVal MyDB As DAO.Database, ByVal AnyQuery, _
                                       ParamArray QueryParams() As Variant) As DAO.Recordset
    Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim i As Long

    If UBound(QueryParams) Mod 2 = 1 Then             ' pairs parameter field-value present
        If QueryExists(MyDB, AnyQuery) Then
            ' saved query

            Set qd = MyDB.QueryDefs(AnyQuery)
            ' SQL statement

            Set qd = MyDB.CreateQueryDef(vbNullString, AnyQuery)
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(QueryParams) Step 2
            qd.Parameters(QueryParams(i)) = QueryParams(i + 1)
        Set GetRecordsetParamQuery = qd.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
        Set qd = Nothing
    End If
End Function

Private Function QueryExists(ByVal MyDB As DAO.Database, ByVal QueryName As String) As Boolean
    Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
    For Each qd In MyDB.QueryDefs
        If qd.Name = QueryName Then
            QueryExists = True
            Exit For
        End If
End Function
' Saved Query ("MyQuery")
PARAMETERS parStart Date, parEnd Date;
SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName
FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersons WHERE active = true) AS P
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN parStart AND parEnd) AS X
ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL
' call
Set Forms("frmResult").Recordset = _
      GetRecordsetParamQuery(CurrentDb, "MyQuery", _
           "parStart", Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, _
           "parEnd", Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate)

2) Public function
' functions in a standard module
Public Function getStartDate() As Date
   getStartDate = Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate
End Function

Public Function getEndDate() As Date
   getEndDate = Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate
End Function
' Saved Query ("MyQuery")
SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName
FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersons WHERE active = true) AS P
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN getStartDate() AND getEndDate()) AS X
ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL
' call
Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = "MyQuery"

3) Changing the definition of an existing saved query "MyQuery"
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("MyQuery").SQL = _
    "SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersonsWHERE active = true) AS P" & _
    " LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments" & _
    " WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & _
    " AND " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & ") AS X" & _
    " ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL"
' call
Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = "MyQuery"

4) Using a parameter table
' Saved Query ("MyQuery")
SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName
FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersons WHERE active = true) AS P
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments AS P1, tblParameters AS P2
WHERE P1.PaymentDay BETWEEN P2.parStart AND P2.parEnd) AS X
ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL
' call
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.Openrecordset("tblParameters")
With rs
   !parStart = Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate
   !parEnd = Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate
End With

Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = "MyQuery"

5) DynamicSQL - composing the SQL statement using VBA
Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = _
    "SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersonsWHERE active = true) AS P" & _
    " LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments" & _
    " WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & _
    " AND " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & ") AS X" & _
    " ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL"

6) Form references and TempVars
In some simple cases, you can use the form references (Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate) directly in the query. In a case like this, where the parameters would have to be passed into a subquery, this fails. Sometimes you can help yourself by explicitly forcing the evaluation of the text field content with Eval:
Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate => Eval(Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate)

TempVar works similar to 2) Public Function: The content of a form text field is passed to a TempVar. Like the form reference above, the TempVar is directly in the query. This variant has comparable problems, e.g. in subqueries.
Last edited:
Very gladly. Passing parameters to a query is the basics that you just have to know on the fly. Therefore, some variants in which the completed query is assigned to a form as a data source.

1) Real parameter query and transfer of parameters via VBA
' Helper functions in a standard module
Public Function GetRecordsetParamQuery(ByVal MyDB As DAO.Database, ByVal AnyQuery, _
                                       ParamArray QueryParams() As Variant) As DAO.Recordset
    Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
    Dim i As Long

    If UBound(QueryParams) Mod 2 = 1 Then             ' pairs parameter field-value present
        If QueryExists(MyDB, AnyQuery) Then
            ' saved query

            Set qd = MyDB.QueryDefs(AnyQuery)
            ' SQL statement

            Set qd = MyDB.CreateQueryDef(vbNullString, AnyQuery)
        End If
        For i = 0 To UBound(QueryParams) Step 2
            qd.Parameters(QueryParams(i)) = QueryParams(i + 1)
        Set GetRecordsetParamQuery = qd.OpenRecordset(dbOpenDynaset)
        Set qd = Nothing
    End If
End Function

Private Function QueryExists(ByVal MyDB As DAO.Database, ByVal QueryName As String) As Boolean
    Dim qd As DAO.QueryDef
    For Each qd In MyDB.QueryDefs
        If qd.Name = QueryName Then
            QueryExists = True
            Exit For
        End If
End Function
' Saved Query ("MyQuery")
PARAMETERS parStart Date, parEnd Date;
SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName
FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersons WHERE active = true) AS P
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN parStart AND parEnd) AS X
ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL
' call
Set Forms("frmResult").Recordset = _
      GetRecordsetParamQuery(CurrentDb, "MyQuery", _
           "parStart", Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, _
           "parEnd", Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate

2) Public function
' functions in a standard module
Public Function getStartDate() As Date
   getStartDate = Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate
End Function

Public Function getEndDate() As Date
   getEndDate = Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate
End Function
' Saved Query ("MyQuery")
SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName
FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersons WHERE active = true) AS P
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN getStartDate() AND getEndDate()) AS X
ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL
' call
Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = "MyQuery"

3) Changing the definition of an existing saved query "MyQuery"
CurrentDb.QueryDefs("MyQuery").SQL = _
    "SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersonsWHERE active = true) AS P" & _
    " LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments" & _
    " WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & _
    " AND " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & ") AS X" & _
    " ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL"
' call
Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = "MyQuery"

4) Using a parameter table
' Saved Query ("MyQuery")
SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName
FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersons WHERE active = true) AS P
LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments AS P1, tblParameters AS P2
WHERE P1.PaymentDay BETWEEN P2.parStart AND P2.parEnd) AS X
ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL
' call
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = CurrentDb.Openrecordset("tblParameters")
With rs
   !parStart = Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate
   !parEnd = Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate
End With

Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = "MyQuery"

5) DynamicSQL - composing the SQL statement using VBA
Forms("frmResult").RecordSource = _
    "SELECT P.PersonID, P.LastName FROM (SELECT PersonID, LastName FROM tblPersonsWHERE active = true) AS P" & _
    " LEFT JOIN (SELECT PersonIDf FROM tblPayments" & _
    " WHERE PaymentDay BETWEEN " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & _
    " AND " & Format(Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate, "\#yyyy\-mm\-dd\#") & ") AS X" & _
    " ON P.PersonID = X.PersonIDf WHERE X.PersonIDf IS NULL"

6) Form references and TempVars
In some simple cases, you can use the form references (Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate, Forms.frmInput.txtEndDate) directly in the query. In a case like this, where the parameters would have to be passed into a subquery, this fails. Sometimes you can help yourself by explicitly forcing the evaluation of the text field content with Eval:
Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate => Eval(Forms.frmInput.txtStartDate)

TempVar works similar to 2) Public Function: The content of a form text field is passed to a TempVar. Like the form reference above, the TempVar is directly in the query. This variant has comparable problems, e.g. in subqueries.
Thanks so much for your help, it's really appreciated. Hopefully I'll be able get things working now.

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