Record size problem

  • Thread starter Thread starter DaphnePotatoes
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Hi, I'm Daphne and this is my first post!

Please can someone help me?

About a year ago I converted an old locoscript (yes, that old!) database to Access 2000. Apart from the normal problems with field properties, it went as well as expected until the users started encountering problems with entering data in some records when this popped up - "Record is too large." MS Help gave me "Record is too large. (Error 3047)
You defined or imported a table with records larger than 2K. This error occurs when you enter data into the record, not when you define the table structure. Redefine the table by making some fields shorter, removing unneeded fields, or moving some fields to other tables."

Trying to add fields became impossible as well with the same message appearing.

Is there a way to change the table/database to accept records larger than 2K?

What's the easiest way to allow data entry into all records?

There must be a simple solution!!

In hope and expectation,

Daphne :confused:
Access does have a Record Size Limit. There are techniques that can be used to allow you to store more Information (not necessarily in one table). If you could show us the structure of your Database tables we may be able to give you advice on how to better store records.

Thanks for replying so quickly.

I think the problem began when I converted the database from Locoscript to Access. Many of the records must have been over the 2K limit at the conversion. What was one field in Locoscript has been split into many in Access, for example, 'Appeals1', 'Appeals2' etc.

I think I am going to have to bite the bullet and start making new tables from the one I have at present. But there are problems. There is no primary key field and the 'Record is too large' pop up keeps popping up whenever I try to define one. This will obviously be necessary if I am to subsequently link whatever tables I create.

Any suggestions?

The only thing I can think of envolves coding. I don't know the structure of your current data or the structure you are wanting to go to. But this can be done.

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