Refresh/requery some textbox and leave others


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 02:20
Sep 28, 2014
Hi, I'm looking for some advice as to what I'm trying to do is possible. I have a
database that pulls data in and allows yields to be checked each hour and displayed on a form, this part seems ok.
What I was trying to do was add a field for comments that could be added for any issues that hour,
I've added an unbound textbox to the form , the issue is that when the form requeries and refreshes all the unbound
comment fields show the same data. I had thought of instead of a blanket me.requery me.refresh on the form to only try and refresh
the textboxes that change , so I tried using


to try and just requery/refresh the textbox called Pass(if this had worked I'd have used this on the other textboxes to requery)

but this gives an error for the refresh part RTE 438 Object doesn't support this property or method. I also tried a sub form , but this
wouldn't allow the main form to be continuous
I've attached the DB as I thought it might be easier to see than explain. I'm just looking to refresh the fields but keep any comments in the appropriate text box

any ideas would be welcome and appreciated....


An unbound textbox will show the same value for ALL records unless it is a calculated value that includes some variable term. No way around that.

No, controls do not have a Refresh method.
ok thanks for the reply June7
Why would you make notes in an unbound field?
Hi Pat, I'm trying to redo a touchscreen board I did in HTML/javascript which I've attached a pic. The current screen the user types in all the data and any comments that have happened that hour, the access db is looking to make it more automated and pulls the data from a text file, the only input from the user would be the target numbers and the comments. I tried the textbox as unbound as i thought in a continuous form it would just be created as an empty box that could be filled by the user, but june7 has answered that by saying it has to be a calculated field for it to work. I'm just really wanting a textbox to be used as a notepad for each individual hour comments


  • screen.png
    70 KB · Views: 354
Still, why would you want user to type comments that would not be retained in record?
Ah, The data is drawn from a text file a tester produces and this text file is inserted into a table, the comments is just a visual help to anyone walking past why there was a problem that hour it wasn't meant to be retained , the data on the screen was just to be a visual of what was going on. although I might try and save it if i get this working

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