"San Bernardino shooter was well vetted" (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
What's worrying is that he's the front-runner for the GOP, and a LOT of people are buying into his Nazi-esque crap. People I know in real-life who are normally somewhat moderate are starting to believe his lies about the imminent danger posed by Muslims and nodding their heads, agreeing that just maybe 'something should be done about them'.

Did you forget about your liberal Jimmy Carter???banning all Iranians from entering our country based on nationality not I\deology..It seems to be a one way street with you liberals... Oh,, what about the richest of the rich,,George Sorros,,,a socialist giving money to the libs.. Look at the lib protesters do they look peaceful...... burning down a town,,,,,,

Don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
If anybody bothered to check this, you would find that I have consistently decried the USA love for violent movies because the Religious Right won't let us watch steamy sex movies. (No, I'm not a tongue-dragging voyeur, I'm speaking in abstract.)

It is a sad part of our modern instant-gratification culture - stories that take time to develop conflicts and tension are box-office flops. Stories beginning with violence or perhaps some eye-popping special effects will catch the attention of the short-attention-span crowd where as love stories are relegated to low-viewership cable channels. The predominance of violent movies is at least strongly determined by the Religious Right because that is a type of movie they less rarely condemn than sex romps or semi-explicit love stories that get a little steamy.

Now, if you consider which type of movie is likely to show someone getting beat to a pulp, shot full of holes, or sliced and diced... (P.S. - if your answer is "Love stories", you are looking for love in ALL the wrong places.)

As to the Trumpster - what really grouses me is that if he keeps up this anti-ethnic line of rhetoric, he'll make Hilary look viable. Now THAT would be a really bad result.

What wrong DOC,,,,I figured you wanted more of the same..... with all you liberal rhetoric about the Religious Right......


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013

I've actually mentioned a few times that I'm a Sanders supporter, but I suppose I should add to my signature that just because I'm a Liberal, that doesn't mean I worship at the House of Clinton. :p

he is a far left card carrying SOCIALIST!


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
May 22, 2010
Did you forget about your liberal Jimmy Carter???banning all Iranians from entering our country based on nationality
I was barely out of high school when Carter was Pres. But good point none the less. I don't recall that moment but it is worth noting.

he is a far left card carrying SOCIALIST!
I can't figure out why you don't make more points like these. I literally had to wade through 8 post for these 2 nuggets.:banghead:


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 08:30
Oct 17, 2012
I was barely out of high school when Carter was Pres. But good point none the less. I don't recall that moment but it is worth noting.

I can't figure out why you don't make more points like these. I literally had to wade through 8 post for these 2 nuggets.:banghead:

The problem is that Blade is still lying.

Point the first: Jimmy Carter levied sanctions against Iran, but he *NEVER* barred Iranians from the US. Blade's argument is a misrepresentation of the sanctions involved in the Iran Hostage Crisis, where one of the sanctions was the following:

Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.

There is a gigantic difference between 'We are refusing all visas save humanitarian (read: refugee) ones until you release the American citizens you have kidnapped' and 'You dirty Muslims aren't wanted here'.

Source: There are thousands of hits if you google the topic, so I'll just go with SNOPES.

The second one: He is actually middle of the pack as far as Liberals go. Only to a lunatic who thinks murdering children is good would he be a far-left extremist. Second, he's a DEMOCRATIC Socialist. I realize Bladerunner is too stupid to understand the difference, but in Sanders' case, it basically boils down to 'I want just enough restrictions on big business to allow fair competition and prevent the emergence of all-powerful monopolies like we saw with the rail barons, the oil magnates, and even as far back as the British East India Company'. It's basically Capitalism with restrictions to prevent monopolies and the formation of an oligarchy. It's also why he has had a decades-long career in Congress despite being an independent and an avowed democratic socialist almost that entire time.

So yeah, even when he sounds like he's almost making sense, you can count on the murder fanboi to be lying.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
Sorry Frothy,, even a far left liberal socialist like you can not hide the truth for long.

"How many are aware that President Carter banned Iranians from coming to the US, with the exception of those with a major medical emergency or threat of political persecution? Additionally, between November 1979 and April 1980, 14,768 Iranians (2,204 were students) were removed from the Country. It all happened under executive orders #12172 and 12206."

the above is a simple google search


"Socialism can be defined as a system of collective ownership and management of the means of production and the distribution of goods. Socialism also views that in a capitalist state, the wealth and power is concentrated among a small section of the society. Socialism can also be stated to be a society where all people work as equals in cooperation for the common good of all.

Democratic socialism gives more importance to a democratic character. While having almost the same principles as that of socialism, democratic socialism believes in a socialism through the ballot box. It states that any change in government and society should be through fair elections." (MOB RULE)..remember the working and Ruling classes.....which one are you in?
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
OH, by the way,,, FDR interred the Japanese and to some extent the Germans in this country after pearl harbor.... I'd bet Frothy will dispute that Pearl Harbor ever took place. Someone already said we lost WWI.
What a joke.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
oh,, speaking of OIL Barons,,,what about coal barons....Everybody wants this Climate change.... well when the coal stocks hit bottom because of Obama executive orders, Guess who bought over 1 million dollars worth of Coal Stock....Kind of like Warren did with the trains across the US......... Will the price of coal ever go back up.....OH yeah if Georgy ol' boy has anything to do with it.

You gotto just love them Freaking liberal Socialist democratic or NOT. They know how to make money via scams instead of capitalism...and all those coal miners, support people will be put out of business and loose their jobs...Guess they can get on Obama CARE and all the other democratic vote getting subsidies.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:30
Jul 5, 2006
The problem is that Blade is still lying.

Point the first: Jimmy Carter levied sanctions against Iran, but he *NEVER* barred Iranians from the US. Blade's argument is a misrepresentation of the sanctions involved in the Iran Hostage Crisis, where one of the sanctions was the following:
Fourth, the Secretary of Treasury [State] and the Attorney General will invalidate all visas issued to Iranian citizens for future entry into the United States, effective today. We will not reissue visas, nor will we issue new visas, except for compelling and proven humanitarian reasons or where the national interest of our own country requires. This directive will be interpreted very strictly.
There is a gigantic difference between 'We are refusing all visas save humanitarian (read: refugee) ones until you release the American citizens you have kidnapped' and 'You dirty Muslims aren't wanted here'
Once again you purposely distort a citation in a negative manner as a basis behind an ad hominem attack against Blade. Cancelling visas is equivalent to "banning". Either word implies an action that would have effectively prohibited the entry of Iranians. I would acknowledge that the phrase "cancelling visas" would be more appropriate since it would be an executive action. Nevertheless, playing pretzel logic word games to advocate an ad hominem attack does not contribute to a mature discussion.

Furthermore, please justify the logic behind your statement: "'You dirty Muslims aren't wanted here'.". Did Blade ever make such a statement? (I am not going to check all the posts, but this appears to be another purposeful hyperbolic derogatory misinterpretation. And you accuse Blade of lying? Taking lessons from Trump on how to make unwarranted incendiary comments?)
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:30
Mar 23, 2007
SO......you ALC had rather sit tight and hope the shooter does not find you , runs out of bullets or his gun jams and he does not have another. OK.....Thought I had it right to start with,,,just wanted to ask.
Go join Glenn Beck-lite. Did I say that? No, but it's far easier to pretend I did and then argue against it. You've had NOTHING right since you started posting. Not. One. Thing.

Your racist, extremely badly-written, ill-informed rants, combined with your brainwashed opinions are, frankly, mind boggling. Your posts mark you out as a terrible, uncaring human being who has the temerity to hide behind the big book of fairy stories, picks and chooses which parts of the bullsh*t therein he should follow and which parts he should claim to just be a f*cking puzzle set by jesus, who wanted us all to do the opposite.
If the afterlife existed, the one consolation would be that your attitude to helping people means that you wouldn't be going where you think you are.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:30
Mar 23, 2007
OH, by the way,,, FDR interred the Japanese and to some extent the Germans in this country after pearl harbor.... I'd bet Frothy will dispute that Pearl Harbor ever took place. Someone already said we lost WWI.
What a joke.
No, they didn't say that at all. F*ck, you really do have comprehension problems. I said:
Isn't that exactly how the original did it? Latch onto people's feelings that the world isn't treating them as it should, then blame it on minorities (Jews and gypsies) and rally everyone behind you to get rid of them. If you can convince them that the people are all dangerous, so much the better. When people are angry, they're focused. When they're focused, they're not scared any more. "We lost WWI so blame the Jews", "We need internment camps, get the Japanese-Americans", "The Muslims are visibly different, and a tiny minority are dangerous", whatever works.
Hitler - the original referred to - successfully blamed the Jews for losing WWI and came to power.
FDR pandered to US insecurities during WWII, partially in an attempt to remain popular.
Trump is attempting to use the Muslims in the same way.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:30
Mar 23, 2007
Furthermore, please justify the logic behind your statement: "'You dirty Muslims aren't wanted here'.". Did Blade ever make such a statement? (I am not going to check all the posts, but this appears to be another purposeful hyperbolic derogatory misinterpretation. And you accuse Blade of lying? Taking lessons from Trump on how to make unwarranted incendiary comments?)
He has said similar things in many posts. If you want to be literal, no, I don't remember him using those precise words.

Just out of interest, I genuinely once had a travel visa cancelled (some issue with lost paperwork) and had to reapply. That doesn't mean I was banned from the country in question, because I wasn't.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 08:30
Oct 17, 2012
Listen, child-killer-wannabe. You stated that Carter banned all Iranians from the US. That was a lie. You also implied it is the exact same thing as banning all Muslims from the us. You are either deliberately overlooking or are too stupid to understand that a) the Iranian visa cancellations were part of sanctions for the Iran Hostage Crisis (ever heard of it?) and were in effect only as long as the hostages were held, while the Muslim ban would be an act of sheer Islamphobia based on widespread fearmongering with no basis in fact and no one has suggested anything other than a permanent ban, and b) The Iran sanctions specifically allowed for refugee and humanitarian visas to be granted, whereas your much-beloved Muslim ban is aimed at preventing that specific demographic from coming here.

You are willfully and deliberately taking things out of context, just as you always do (save when rational people point out that the Bible is just as prone to call for murder and genocide as the Qu'ran). By your logic, it's perfectly correct to point out that US citizens, based at least partially on widespread hatred and fear of Germans and Japanese, slaughtered millions of German and Japanese citizens around the world in the early to mid 1940's. That statement is, after all, perfectly accurate.

I am fully aware FDR imprisoned as much of the Japanese-American population as he could. If you had the brains god gave a cockroach, you'd also be aware that the entire Liberal movement absolutely condemns that action. Only you and your fellow conservatives think it was a good thing.

Third, it is extremely telling that you just outed yourself as against democracy:

democratic socialism believes in a socialism through the ballot box. It states that any change in government and society should be through fair elections." (MOB RULE)..remember the working and Ruling classes.....which one are you in?

At least you're showing yourself for the racist, child-murderer-wannabe fascist that you are.

So let's see. You've shown yourself to be a racist. You have specifically stated that the murder of children is a good thing as long as you disagree with their parents. You believe that the virtues taught by Jesus are pure evil, and you have now admitted you're against democracy.

You and the other disgusting wretches like you are the true danger, not only to America and everything it stands for, but to freedom anywhere.
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Steve R.

Local time
Today, 08:30
Jul 5, 2006
He has said similar things in many posts. If you want to be literal, no, I don't remember him using those precise words.

Just out of interest, I genuinely once had a travel visa cancelled (some issue with lost paperwork) and had to reapply. That doesn't mean I was banned from the country in question, because I wasn't.
No you were not "banned", because an executive decision was not made to cancel your visa because you did something the US government did not like.

I don't know all the comments that have been made by Blade. What I have observed is that Frothingslosh distorts what others have stated in a negative manner.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
Go join Glenn Beck-lite. Did I say that? No, but it's far easier to pretend I did and then argue against it. You've had NOTHING right since you started posting. Not. One. Thing.

Your racist, extremely badly-written, ill-informed rants, combined with your brainwashed opinions are, frankly, mind boggling. Your posts mark you out as a terrible, uncaring human being who has the temerity to hide behind the big book of fairy stories, picks and chooses which parts of the bullsh*t therein he should follow and which parts he should claim to just be a f*cking puzzle set by jesus, who wanted us all to do the opposite.
If the afterlife existed, the one consolation would be that your attitude to helping people means that you wouldn't be going where you think you are.

ALC,,,, go back and read the post above.. You are getting worse my friend. All you have to do is disagree but you want to destroy all those who disagree with your ideas. How far you want to go down that deep dark hole my friend.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
No, they didn't say that at all. F*ck, you really do have comprehension problems. I said:

Hitler - the original referred to - successfully blamed the Jews for losing WWI and came to power.
FDR pandered to US insecurities during WWII, partially in an attempt to remain popular.
Trump is attempting to use the Muslims in the same way.
ALC...calm down,,,,,please....... think about it a bit....... I read the post wrong. Yes, Hitler did claim the Jews were the problem of Why THEY lost WWI. My apologies.

Now you are reading my post wrong...I did not say Trump was right. I simply said the FDR (a democratic, Liberal--remember he started social security), Jimmy Carter, etc. did the same type things....... I believe the two parties in this nation are on parallel tracks going in the same direction.

Having said that, a liberal Judge in Texas is allowing the syrian refugees to stay in Texas... In my opinion,,,,IF one,,,,ONE of them is a terrorist and takes the life of a citizen of this Country,......then that Liberal Judge should be stripped of everything he has and thrown out into the street butt naked were he evidently came from.

I ask about your family for one reason. Do you really believe what you are saying or are you going with the odds the liberals are giving out that your family will never be affected or killed by terrorist that come to this country in various different ways. Think about it,,,those ODDS,,,,tell me that to help you feel gooooood about yourself, a certain number of people citizens (women or children included) can be killed by terrorist in order to help the majority of them.

If you believe this way,,,you have lost more than your soul,,,,,,

I pray to God to bless and watch over you and your family that you and them will never have to experience what those people in SB, CA. went through. Amen


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:30
Mar 23, 2007
No you were not "banned", because an executive decision was not made to cancel your visa because you did something the US government did not like.
Either cancelling a visa equates to a ban or it doesn't. The end result may be the same, but the one is definitely a more specific statement than the other.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
Feb 11, 2013
Doc,,,,in my travels (research) across the internet, I come across this blog. I thought you might be interested in it since you are of the Academia type.. No disrespect intended.


Down in the comments section of this story, I read a post I thought put everything we have been talking about in a nutshell. I have posted it here as well. It is the same type rhetoric that has been brought up to me here on this forum several times.

July 9, 2015 at 9:21 am

I think it is really sad that the whole purpose of this story is to lead those that don’t believe, to believe. Yet, a majority of the comments here would lead any atheist to never believe in what we proclaim. My only addition is that out of all these religions, Jesus is the only one who died on the cross for our sins and rose from the dead three days later. He was witnessed ascending into heaven after resurrection by over 500 people. Maybe I am uninformed but I have never heard of any religion that can speak any more power over life or death. Therefore, I trust in him only to forgive my sins. Not any human, pastor or pope! Did the Pope, Buddha, Mohammad, Ron L. Hubbard or Joseph Smith die on the cross for us and come back to life 3 days later? I think not!"

One other thing DOC and you know this but I still say it again.

We all will live eternally, every one of us. Our souls are without mass or without time.

The only thing each of us has to chose is; where will we live after we shed this container we now have. Light or Darkness.

It always come down to a choice does it not my friend..
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:30
May 22, 2010
The only reason FDR (Democrat) got away with Japanese interment and hardly any backlash for dropping the A bomb is the country was united in war. To this day there is hardly any criticism directed towards the dem's. So it not surprising there is almost no talk about Carter and Iran.

Now just imagine if that had been Regan.

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