Screenshots - Part 2

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In the first screen shoot there was an good example of the use of treeview for navigation.

I would like to know how did that user get all the forms to open within the form with the treeview object.
Does anyone know.

Here's a few screenshots of a database I'm working on. I've found that the listbox can be an excellent way of making menus; it stops the need to re-design the form should new functions be required or multiple releases issued whilst the db is developed.
any word on that example DB post kec? :)
Outlook Style Interface

here's a screenshot of an Outlook Style interface that I use in some applications


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That looks great.

Question: How do you get the forms to open in a specific location? Everytime i open a form it opens ontop of another and i have to move it manually. Is there a way to specify the location it appears in on the screen?



Just what I was looking for, this is a really good showcase of good designs.
KEC, I am really interested in doing something like what you have done, the design is so much neater and clean. Is it MS Access?? Just curious how did you manage to get the design.
MST, nice outlook type design too.

don1 said:

I could not find any samples nor tutorials of how to do Gantt style chart on continuous MS Access forms without ActiveX. The method that I developed uses bound function that builds variable length strings of fixed-size box font (LaBox tt font, licence free...). The main difficulty is not programming but building graphic UI, which took few nights of trial & error. Control label is drawn over the timeline, allowing user to double-click on the chart, which passes X and Y mouse click parameters to other functions.

I will work on sample database and post it online.

Am looking forward to it. The forms look excellent. Very professional.

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don1 said:
I could not find any samples nor tutorials of how to do Gantt style chart on continuous MS Access forms without ActiveX. The method that I developed uses bound function that builds variable length strings of fixed-size box font (LaBox tt font, licence free...). The main difficulty is not programming but building graphic UI, which took few nights of trial & error. Control label is drawn over the timeline, allowing user to double-click on the chart, which passes X and Y mouse click parameters to other functions.

Is this the font you mention?

PS: Which ActiveX control are you using?


nice design folks! good stuff
Here are some screenshots from an Asset Tracking/Call Logging database I'm about 70% through.

Note the colour coding.

Green = Optional
Yellow = Required
Red (ish) = Locked
Blue = Clickable Link

If you want any more information, let me know.


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My Asset Database

As a new member I have 'watched' this board for a long time, I thought you would like to see my database that I designed that I use daily. I built it out of knowledge from forums like this, books, etc.


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My screenshots

As a new member and a beginner I thought I would post screenshots of the database I designed for my everyday use.
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my database

This is the database i devoleped for my company.

pressing the buttons Calnummer,status,customer or product sorts Asc and Dsc when pressing edit a form pop up and you can edit the call and add logs to the call. When pressing New call a other form pops up and you can add a new call.

When you click toggle closed calls you call togle between calls witch are closed or still in progress.

and when clicking the last button Report menu a menu pops op where you can shoose reports that you can print. And on the top there is a clock showing the time. and thats it.
My Database

For mu company called itdata i made this support database it has a simular layout as the site itself if there are people with problems with there backup they come to us and cases (calls) are beieing loged in this database.

When pressing the buttons CallNo,status, customer or product the record are sorted Asc or Dsc for tht catagory. When pressing edit automaticly a new screen opens where you can edit the call or add a log wich is a subform in the edit form.When pressing New call an other form pops up where you can add a new call. next to that button you have the togle closed button. this button uses a filter witch can filter the closed calls so you can only see the calls in progress. Next is the report button ressing this button gets you another popup where you can select witch form you want to print.

pritty nice right ???

kec said:
Let me clean it up a bit and I'll post it.


Ken - Any ETA on this? I see entire community is waiting for it. Please don't disappoint :)
Are these pictures ever going to be approved for posting? It has said pending for quite some time.
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