Select values


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Today, 02:09
May 10, 2004
When I choose value into a combobox, which is related to table Kin. Then it should change in this form App fields like that
Nimi,Maks,KE, VaarID are from table Kin.
The problem is that sometimes I don't need automatic information from table Kin and that time I fill fields Kiri, Mak, KE, Vaar, by myself.

Thanks for your answers.

What exactly is the problem? I can't make much sense of this
Problem is that I want to make bill form, which gets sometimes information from confirmation form, sometimes I have to just type in the information.
My code right now is like this:

Private Sub KinnituseNR_Change()
Dim A As Integer
Dim StrSQL As String
A = [KinnituseNR]
StrSQL = "Select [Kinnitus].KinnituseNR, [Kinnitus].UNimi From [Kinnitus] WHERE [Kinnitus].KinnituseNR = A"
Me.Kirj = StrSQL

End Sub
Ok I understand a bit better now.

So if you select from the combo box list then you would like the code to execute.

If you do not select from the list then you would not like the code to execute.

Is this right?
Yes, that's correct.
But this code doesn't give me the UNimi value to the field Kirj. It gives there value - Select [Kinnitus].KinnituseNR, [Kinnitus].UNimi From [Kinnitus] WHERE [Kinnitus].KinnituseNR = A
Try changing the bound column on the combo box to 2.

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