Question Split access 07 database


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Today, 07:12
Jun 22, 2009
I've read a little about this, I thought why not try it, but now I have a question(s):

1. I've first created database (tables queries, forms), can I split it now? Will the VBA code work if I split the database now, or I should have first split it and then develop (queries, forms, etc.)?

2. What steps must i take now to successfully split the database?

3. Is there a difference if You split the database and FE and BE are on single machine, and if FE is on users machine and BE is on server? It the case of the second scenario what precaution measures must I take in order for everything to work?

4. If I put BE to server how do I then connect to it?

5. Can FE connect to the BE trough internet? For example: In my firm I have a server which is connected to the internet, my client is in his firm on his network which also has access to the internet. If I put FE on my clients machine and BE on my server, can his FE connect to BE on my server through internet? If it can, what must I know first before I do this?

6. And all Your answers, tips trick regarding this subject are welcome.

Thank You.

P.S. - FE - Front End; BE - Back End
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Start your development in a single database and get the bulk of it working. This makes it easier to modify tables as required. Once the database is split you have to open the BE to modify the table designs and then relink to the FE.

It is important to split it before you allow multiple simultaneous users. The VBA stays with the forms and queries in the front end.

You can use the splitting tool in the database tools ribbon. It is in the Move Data section and called Access Database.

This does much the same as splitting it manually which I prefer to do. Make a copy of the database. Delete everything except the tables from one (becomes the BE) and all the tables from the other (becomes the FE).

Remove any table level lookups.

Link the backend tables to the front end using External Data - Access.

Best put the BE on a server. Just need to get the user security rights set correctly. There are some things you can do to speed it up but get it working first and worry about these registry settings later.

Remember that every user must have a separate copy of the front end. There are free tools to automatically manage this distribution. Google FEUpdater.

Connecting the BE through the internet is slow and problematic. Bad stuff will happen if packets are delayed. Use a terminal services session. This runs the FE on the server with the user operating it by remote control. Still ensure each that user is running a different copy of the FE.
Connecting the BE through the internet is slow and problematic. Bad stuff will happen if packets are delayed. Use a terminal services session. This runs the FE on the server with the user operating it by remote control. Still ensure each that user is running a different copy of the FE.

Can You give more detail about terminal services session? Do I need some kind of software for this?

What is more faster, efficient and reliable, using terminal services or online application from a browser?

In what format should the back end be (.accde or .accdb)?

Can I split and link two database pieces on my machine and then copy it on users machine or do I need to do the linking on users machine (I'm asking because of the path of the link)?

How do I configure package installer when I'm installing a split database? (Do I put front end as the database and the back end as additional files) Should I avoid package installer when dealing with split database, why?

Should I enable Compact on close option on back end database?

I think I noticed that the front size is getting bigger after some work. Did i noticed right, and why is this happening? Shouldn't only the back end get big because that's where the data goes?

Thank You.
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