SQL statement in a form VB (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:14
Mar 14, 2013
I want to create a button that executes an SQL statement in a form. The reason I can't just save a query and run the query from the form, is because the SQL statement needs to use a combobox value from the form. I've learned that
docmd.runsql will not work for a simple select query.....does anyone know what will work??



Duly Registered Boozer
Local time
Today, 05:14
Apr 30, 2011
The reason I can't just save a query and run the query from the form, is because the SQL statement needs to use a combobox value from the form.

The fact that the query needs a value form the form as criteria does not mean that you can't use a saved query. What brought you to that conclusion?

If you give us a few more details about what you're doing, I'm sure we can point you in the right direction.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:14
Mar 14, 2013
I tried your suggestion but it errors saying it cannot find the form object...any suggestions?



Duly Registered Boozer
Local time
Today, 05:14
Apr 30, 2011
I tried your suggestion but it errors saying it cannot find the form object...any suggestions?

I don't recall offering any suggestions, I simply said that your conclusion that you can't reference a form control from a saved query was wrong.


This is wrong on multiple levels;

First, you don't select multiple fields from a record set using the ampersand (&). Doing this will actually concatenate all those field values together in one string and return the concatenated value in one column. Seems unlikely that's actually what you want.

Second, a query returns records from a record set (a table or another query). A form is not a record set. You can't use it as the source for a query.

As an example, a query that selects records from a table, but uses a reference to a control on a form as criteria to restrict the results might look like;

Select Field1, Field2, Field3 From MyTable
Where Field1 = Forms!MyForm!MyComboBox

However, I'll say this again, if you will provide more insight as to what exactly you're trying to do, we can offer more specific advice.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:14
Mar 14, 2013
First just let me say thanks for providing insight on this, it is much appreciated. Now to get down to it, my query is quite complex which is why I didn't want to get into too much detail...essentially, what I am trying to do is run a complicated query that uses DLOOKUP to find a multitude of values from a table, however, I want to make the table that the query runs off of a variable that comes from a combobox populated by the user. I have a working query but it has the table name "hard coded" in the query...see the table name at the very bottom?? the table name is ZZ_PROJECT_X but I will have several projects and I want to be able to run this query for any of them thus the form combobox which states the project: In a nutshell, I want to run the query below except that instead of running it on table ZZ_PROJECT_X, it runs for a table specified by the user in a form.
SELECT [C1_PROJ] & [C2_PROJ] & [PS1A_PROJ] & [PS2A_PROJ] & [PS1B_PROJ] & [PS2B_PROJ] & [EP1_PROJ] & [EP2_PROJ] & [M1_PROJ] & [M2_PROJ] & [M3_PROJ] & [G1_PROJ] & [G2_PROJ] & [SA1_PROJ] & [SA2_PROJ] AS commodity_code, DLookUp("[COMP_DESC]","01_COMP_TYPE","[C1] = '" & [C1_PROJ] & "' and [C2] = '" & [C2_PROJ] & "'") & ", " & DLookUp("[MATL]","04_MATL_CODE","[M1] = '" & [M1_PROJ] & "' and [M2] = '" & [M2_PROJ] & "' and [M3] = '" & [M3_PROJ] & "'") & ", " & IIf([C1_PROJ]="P" And [C2_PROJ]="P",DLookUp("[PS_DESC]","02_PRESS_SCH","[PS1] = '" & [PS1A_PROJ] & "' and [PS2] = '" & [PS2A_PROJ] & "'") & " " & DLookUp("[END_PREP]","03_END_PREP","[EP] = '" & [EP1_PROJ] & "'"),DLookUp("[PS_DESC]","02_PRESS_SCH","[PS1] = '" & [PS1A_PROJ] & "' and [PS2] = '" & [PS2A_PROJ] & "'") & " " & DLookUp("[END_PREP]","03_END_PREP","[EP] = '" & [EP1_PROJ] & "'") & " by " & DLookUp("[PS_DESC]","02_PRESS_SCH","[PS1] = '" & [PS1B_PROJ] & "' and [PS2] = '" & [PS2B_PROJ] & "'") & " " & DLookUp("[END_PREP]","03_END_PREP","[EP] = '" & [EP2_PROJ] & "'")) & ", " & DLookUp("[GEOM_STD]","05_GEOM_STD","[G1] = '" & [G1_PROJ] & "' and [G2] = '" & [G2_PROJ] & "'") & IIf([SA1_PROJ]="Z" And [SA2_PROJ]="Z",".",", " & DLookUp("[SA_DESC]","06_SPECIAL_ATT","[SA1] = '" & [SA1_PROJ] & "' and [SA2] = '" & [SA2_PROJ] & "'")) AS FULL_DESCRIPTION


Duly Registered Boozer
Local time
Today, 05:14
Apr 30, 2011
So you have a different table for every project? When you start a new project do you have to create a new table? This looks like a nightmare.

Anyway, to do what you want you'll likely need to build the SQL statement in code then use querydefs to set it as the SQL of a query or something similar. Something like;

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strTableName As String

strTableName = Forms!YourForm!YourComboBox

strSQL = "Select Field1, Field2, Field3 " _
          & "From " & strTableName

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