The crime rate in New York (1 Viewer)

Percent of increase.

the 6.6 is divided into the -2.1 to get 3.142857142857143

times by 100 you get the percentage 314.2857142857143
You can do many things with numbers that are not valid. There is no real world meaning to the arithmetic you are performing. The relevant question is the accuracy of the FBI's crime count which can only validly measured against total crimes.

If the temperature went from 10 degrees C yesterday to 20 degrees C today, it would be meaningless to say the temperatures doubled. If would meaningful to say temperatures went up by 10C (18F).
Here's a link run the numbers. Remember this is percentage change

Here's a link run the numbers. Remember this is percentage change

View attachment 116535
It is not valid procedure to compute percent changes for percent changes. The number you get is has not real world meaning.

For accounting reports, I leave the change% blank if either number is less than or equal to zero (or null)
It is not valid procedure to compute percent changes for percent changes. The number you get is has not real world meaning.

For accounting reports, I leave the change% blank if either number is less than or equal to zero (or null)
I hear you, it may not be valid for all accounting purposes but it does illustrate the magnitude of a few percentage points when dealing with thorny issues like crime :D
those are 21 to 22 numbers. That shifted 22 to 23 numbers to a 1.6% decrease.
those are 21 to 22 numbers. That shifted 22 to 23 numbers to a 1.6% decrease.

The article is the correction of 2022 data, which went from a reported 2.1% decrease to a 4.5% increase, raising transparency concerns.
When you realize you are relying on numbers that are only a fraction that get reported, it makes the whole conversation a waste of time
People's perception of where and what kind of crimes are happening is far more relevant.
Trump, along with most other human beings in the USA, believe crime seems to be getting worse for them.

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