Tips for loosing weight.. (1 Viewer)

Move more :) ride a bicycle, walk to the places you used to drive to.
Eat less fat and sugar and more vegetables, drink more clear water. and you're gonna be fine :)
Every one have some thing wrong in his body, like some people want to make there self health and some people want to loss some extra weight..
I have my 210 pounds weight on the scale but I want 170 pounds max weight..
Does any one have any weight loss tips..
Apply these tips to your daily life.

1. Do not skip breakfast
You won't lose weight if you skip breakfast. You might not get enough of some important nutrients, and you might snack more during the day because you're hungry.

2. Eat regular meals
When you eat at the same times every day, you burn calories faster. It also makes you less likely to want to snack on foods that are high in sugar and fat.

3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg
Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and fat and high in fibre, which are three things you need to lose weight. There are also a lot of vitamins and minerals in them.

4. Get more active
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to stay active. Exercise is good for your health and can help you burn off extra calories that you can't lose through diet alone.
Find something you like to do and can fit into your daily life.

5. Drink plenty of water
Some people mistake thirst for hunger. You might end up eating more calories when all you really need is a glass of water.

6. Eat high fibre foods
Foods with a lot of fibre can help you feel full longer, which is great if you're trying to lose weight. Fibre is only found in foods that come from plants, like fruit and vegetables, oats, whole-grain bread, brown rice and pasta, beans, peas, and lentils.

7. Read food labels
If you know how to read food labels, you can choose foods that are better for you. Use the number of calories to figure out how much of your daily calorie allowance a certain food takes up.

8. Use a smaller plate
By using smaller plates, you can help yourself eat less. By using smaller plates and bowls, you might be able to get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes the stomach about 20 minutes to tell the brain that it's full, so eat slowly and stop before you feel full.

9. Do not ban foods
Do not cut out any foods, especially the ones you like, from your plan to lose weight. If you ban foods, you'll want them even more. As long as you don't go over your daily calorie limit, there's no reason why you can't enjoy a treat every now and then.

10. Do not stock junk food
To avoid being tempted, don't keep junk food like chocolate, cookies, chips, and sweet carbonated drinks at home. Instead, choose healthy snacks like fruit, rice cakes without salt, oat cakes, popcorn without salt or sugar, and fruit juice.

11. Cut down on alcohol
A normal glass of wine can have the same number of calories as a small piece of chocolate. Over time, it's easy for people who drink too much to gain weight.

12. Plan your meals
Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week, making sure to stay within your calorie limit. Making a list of what you need to buy each week might be helpful.
To lose weight, I go jogging and enjoy favourite Tyler the Creator music and eat healthy meals every day.
Duct tape your mouth. Seriously, reduce your portions. A half slice of apple pie tastes the same as a half of pie.
In my case, the urges would be overwhelming and I would suddenly binge during a "crash" diet. It became impossible to do a rapid weight loss plan. My carb cravings would overwhelm my resistance every time. However, I was able to change strategy by changing eating habits. Now I always read labels to pick the lowest number of calories from among similar offerings. While I still eat cereal sometimes, I always pick the offering with the lowest sugar content for which I can stand the taste. I started long walks and reached a 3-miles-per-day route that I can use any day that it isn't raining. After all, it was Hippocrates, he of the Hippocratic Oath, that was quoted as saying "Walking is the best medicine for Man." I try to use portion control by buying prepackaged meals and then when my cravings hit, pick a size-limited supplement rather than just gorging. So my weight loss is of limited effect BUT it is something I have sustained for quite some time. I'm down over 30 pounds from my highest body weight since I started those changes in eating habits. I am now able to minimize my snack sizes and make do with fewer of them.

SO, .... net result was that I controlled my calorie intake and started a steady exercise program.
My wife and I use a strategy of eating only REAL / Whole foods, we eliminated refined sugars and processed foods. The second thing we did was restrict the time we eat. We eat only between the hours of 11:00 am and 5:00 pm. We walk every day and try to get 8 hours of sleep.
Thanks, I was at 271lbs. On a 5'9" frame, that is NOT good. My "check engine" light was on and blinking
I think every American MUST watch "The Sugar Film"

It's a documentary about the amount of sugar in Everyday-Life of Americans. An Australian actor starts experimenting about sugar and its effects (physically & mentally) on a healthy body.
He does a full check up and then travels to US and starts eating the way every American does.
At the end of each week he does a check up (physically and mentally), talks to specialist, and how high sugar diet effects on him.
It doesn't try to force the result on you like any other documentary. It allows you to see the results and judge for yourself.

You can take any side you want. There are good points and bad points. You choose which one was worse.
It's not just a "I'm gaining weight by this diet" film. Its effort is more on how sugar works on a person mentally and how he changes gradually.

I apologize to all members from US and no offence is meant, but to me, taking that amount of sugar everyday, seemed to be strange.

I strongly suggest watching this documentary.
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To lose weight or control weight, it is necessary to coordinate the burning of fat and calories. If you do not follow this properly, you may become a victim of obesity.
Apply these tips to your daily life.

1. Do not skip breakfast
You won't lose weight if you skip breakfast. You might not get enough of some important nutrients, and you might snack more during the day because you're hungry.

2. Eat regular meals
When you eat at the same times every day, you burn calories faster. It also makes you less likely to want to snack on foods that are high in sugar and fat.

3. Eat plenty of fruit and veg
Fruit and vegetables are low in calories and fat and high in fibre, which are three things you need to lose weight. There are also a lot of vitamins and minerals in them.

4. Get more active
The best way to lose weight and keep it off is to stay active. Exercise is good for your health and can help you burn off extra calories that you can't lose through diet alone.
Find something you like to do and can fit into your daily life.

5. Drink plenty of water
Some people mistake thirst for hunger. You might end up eating more calories when all you really need is a glass of water.

6. Eat high fibre foods
Foods with a lot of fibre can help you feel full longer, which is great if you're trying to lose weight. Fibre is only found in foods that come from plants, like fruit and vegetables, oats, whole-grain bread, brown rice and pasta, beans, peas, and lentils.

7. Read food labels
If you know how to read food labels, you can choose foods that are better for you. Use the number of calories to figure out how much of your daily calorie allowance a certain food takes up.

8. Use a smaller plate
By using smaller plates, you can help yourself eat less. By using smaller plates and bowls, you might be able to get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes the stomach about 20 minutes to tell the brain that it's full, so eat slowly and stop before you feel full.

9. Do not ban foods
Do not cut out any foods, especially the ones you like, from your plan to lose weight. If you ban foods, you'll want them even more. As long as you don't go over your daily calorie limit, there's no reason why you can't enjoy a treat every now and then.

10. Do not stock junk food
To avoid being tempted, don't keep junk food like chocolate, cookies, chips, and sweet carbonated drinks at home. Instead, choose healthy snacks like fruit, rice cakes without salt, oat cakes, popcorn without salt or sugar, and fruit juice.

11. Cut down on alcohol
A normal glass of wine can have the same number of calories as a small piece of chocolate. Over time, it's easy for people who drink too much to gain weight.

12. Plan your meals
Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snacks for the week, making sure to stay within your calorie limit. Making a list of waist trainers what you need to buy each week might be helpful.
Can we use waist trainers with all these stuff? I mean to speed up the weight loss journey?

Your thoughts??
Waist trainers are forms of camouflage and illusion. When a woman takes off a really tight corset and all the extra flesh comes spilling out, you find out how much the waist trainer didn't help her lose anything. Waist trainers MIGHT help you if you wear them while eating IF they are tight enough to slow down or limit your food intake due to that feeling of having no more room. There are some "active" waist trainers that use electricity or some other type of powered activity and they can make your muscles move. However, passive waist trainers are only for show. There is also the issue that if tight enough, they can cause circulatory problems with your internal organs. Definitely not good.
Can we use waist trainers with all these stuff? I mean to speed up the weight loss journey?

Your thoughts??
I agree with the Doc that things like "waist trainers" are the same as a New Yorker in a ten gallon hat--all for show.

Eat less overall.
Emphasize proteins and green vegetables.
MINIMIZE carbohydrates. I allow myself half a cup of rice a week or one roll the size of a regular hamburger bun. PER WEEK.
Move your body regularly and for extended periods. Walking is good. Running is okay if your legs and feet tolerate. Bicycling is good. Just move.

I am a senior citizen ;) I gain weight at 1500 calories a day or more. I lose weight at 1100 calories a day or less. I've tracked that consistently for 6 years. I walk as much as I can. I may be unique, but I doubt I'm all that unique. If you are a 30 something and very active at sports, etc. you can probably consume more calories than I can and lose weight, but that depends a whole lot on how active you honestly are.
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I think every American MUST watch "The Sugar Film"

It's a documentary about the amount of sugar in Everyday-Life of Americans. An Australian actor starts experimenting about sugar and its effects (physically & mentally) on a healthy body.
He does a full check up and then travels to US and starts eating the way every American does.
At the end of each week he does a check up (physically and mentally), talks to specialist, and how high sugar diet effects on him.
It doesn't try to force the result on you like any other documentary. It allows you to see the results and judge for yourself.

You can take any side you want. There are good points and bad points. You choose which one was worse.
It's not just a "I'm gaining weight by this diet" film. Its effort is more on how sugar works on a person mentally and how he changes gradually.

I apologize to all members from US and no offence is meant, but to me, taking that amount of sugar everyday, seemed to be strange.

I strongly suggest watching this documentary.
I get sugar in many processed foods, but otherwise I have had no sugar in my house for six years. It's slow poison.
One more thought. Be honest with yourself about how much exercise you really get and how many calories and carbohydrates you really consume. It is all too easy to "forget" and have a second helping of that delicious lasagna left over from dinner.
Never involve in an activity just to 'Lose Weight'
Choose a Sport. Lose yourself into it. Then weight automatically lose itself. Don't think short of yourself. Keeping a few extra pounds doesn't make you cheap or lower. It's nature. Just go with it.
For a while I lost myself in tennis However, age caught up with me and I had to have (non-replacement) knee surgery to repair a torn meniscus. My knee cannot manage the side-to-side movement that is part of tennis, so my current exercise of choice is walking. No sideways stress unless I am dodging a miscreant driver, and the linear movement doesn't (so far) hurt my knees.

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