I'm trying to do a simple filter on a form using a combo box. The form is continuous and the data is from a query (Q_ActiveFiles). The Detail section of the form has text boxes for each field type (i.e. ID, FileNumber, FileName, etc.). I have a combobox in the Form Header that is build from another query (Q_ActiveFileNumbers) and I have an event procedure on after update with the following code:
I'm trying to filter the records by the number (textbox name is D_Num) which I search for in the combobox (named F_Num).
When I run this anything I bring up in the search brings up only the New Record, i.e. nothing.
Any help would be appreciated!
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub F_Num_AfterUpdate()
Me.Filter = "[Forms]![F_ActiveFilesSearch]![D_Num]=""" & [Forms]![F_ActiveFilesSearch]![F_Num].Value & """"
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
I'm trying to filter the records by the number (textbox name is D_Num) which I search for in the combobox (named F_Num).
When I run this anything I bring up in the search brings up only the New Record, i.e. nothing.
Any help would be appreciated!