Using Google to Research Problems

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Today, 05:10
Jun 22, 2007

sometimes searching google is not the easiest thing to get the answer, right!? Well I have plenty of experience getting things done on google. Here's some hints:

*If you're reseaching an error message, type: "ms access ", followed by the EXACT error message. Example - ms access can't go to specified record. You'll be surprised what the intellisense picks up automatically for you. Chances are, a million people have already researched the error.

*If you have an error message that you're getting in VBA, type: "vba ", followed by the error message. Example - vba object variable or with block variable not set. You will notice that the error message is common to the language, usually NOT the program you are working in.

*If you're trying to figure out how to get something done, and not just doing a "fix-it" type research, type in what it is you want to do. Here's an example - "I keep getting an error message about sandbox mode preventing code from running. Well, try typing this in: ms access disable sandbox mode.

*Avoid actual questions, such as "how do I disable sandbox mode". This will yield less results because it has more words. It also won't work well because the phrase "ms access" isn't included, which narrows down the search results significantly.

*If you're having a problem that doesn't sport an error message specifically, you will have less success with the results that you get, but still, chances are that your problem is still nothing new to the expert population. So, for example, if you can't figure out why your form won't close and you type in: ms access form won't close, you'll get some results, but not many good ones because the search is not specific enough. But regardless, it'll still be somewhat useful, because the phrase "form won't close" is obviously going to be common among what people would say on a forum, if they started a thread for example.

***In general, try to type in phrases that other people with the same problem would say if they were asking experts how to fix it. Google reads the page contents and many times the headers and such. But, in general I think if you follow these types of guidelines I use, you can probably solve your own problems faster than if you were to post it on a forum. Another thing too, if your problem is well documented or popular among Access users, and you are searching google the right way, more than likely you will hit microsoft's KB articles or the office online help articles FIRST on the list, so you can go strait to the horses mouth. If anyone should know, the manufacturer should, right?
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