VB Code Schedule (1 Viewer)


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Local time
Today, 08:59
Sep 30, 2022

I have a form called New Project having 3 fields
- StartDate
- EndDate
- Visitno

And Subform called dbo_Job_new projects_Add having 3 fields
- PPM #
- PPM Date
- Visit Type

I require a code to add to a button once clicked the system will chck the startdate and enddate and visitno and add new schedule of visits in the sub form. e.g.:
startdate: 01/01/2023
enddate: 31/1/2023
visitno : 4

system will generate the following rows :

ppm # ppm Date Visit Type
1 02/01/2023 SA
2 02/04/2023 Q
3 02/07/2023 Q
4 02/10/2023 Q

note there is 3 types of visits
1. SA (System acceptance, always the first visit)
2. Q (Quarterly, every 3 months)
3. M (Monthly, used if the no of visits 12, then it should be SA-Q-M-M-Q-M-M-Q-M-M-Q-M)
Please show what you have tried?
I am assuming you have at least made an attempt.?

Look at a loop using DateAdd() to increment the dates. Use either an append query or a recordset.
Look at the Mod() function to decide what type visit you need to enter.
Please show what you have tried?
I am assuming you have at least made an attempt.?

Look at a loop using DateAdd() to increment the dates. Use either an append query or a recordset.
Look at the Mod() function to decide what type visit you need to enter.
i tried the below as first step but not working

Dim StartDate As Date
Dim EndDate As Date
Dim Visitnumber As Integer
Dim i As Integer
StartDate = Me.Text119.Value
EndDate = Me.Text123.Value
Visitnumber = Me.Visitnumber.Value
For i = 0 To Visitnumber - 1
Me.PPMlatestdate_subform.Form![PPM Date].AddItem Format(DateAdd("m", i * 3, StartDate), "Short Date")
Next i
Well no.
You need to add actual records for the subform and refresh the subform.
I expect you could also do it with the recordset for thesubform, but not something I have ever tried, or even thought of until seeing your code.
You have alsonot taken into account the different periods.
Public Sub FillSched(StartDate As Date, EndDate As Date, VisitNo As Integer)
  Dim NextDate As Date
  Dim strDate As String
  Dim strSql As String
  Dim strType As String
  Dim PPM_No As Integer

  Const Quarterly = 4
  Const Monthly = 12

  If IsDate(StartDate) And IsDate(EndDate) And EndDate > StartDate Then
    NextDate = StartDate + 1
    PPM_No = 1
    'must use this format regardless of regional settings
    strDate = "#" & Format(NextDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") & "#"
    strType = "'SA'"
    strSql = "Insert into tblPPM (PPM_No, PPM_Date, VisitType) Values (" & PPM_No & "," & strDate & ", " & strType & ")"
    CurrentDb.Execute strSql
    NextDate = DateSerial(Year(NextDate), Month(NextDate) + 1, Day(NextDate))
     strDate = "#" & Format(NextDate, "MM/DD/YYYY") & "#"
    Do Until NextDate > EndDate
     PPM_No = PPM_No + 1
     If (PPM_No + 1) Mod 3 = 0 Then
       MsgBox "He"
       strType = "'Q'"
       strSql = "Insert into tblPPM (PPM_No, PPM_Date, VisitType) Values (" & PPM_No & "," & strDate & ", " & strType & ")"
       CurrentDb.Execute strSql
       If visitNo = Monthly Then
          strType = "'M'"
          strSql = "Insert into tblPPM (PPM_No, PPM_Date, VisitType) Values (" & PPM_No & "," & strDate & ", " & strType & ")"
          CurrentDb.Execute strSql
       End If
     End If
    NextDate = DateSerial(Year(NextDate), Month(NextDate) + 1, Day(NextDate))
  End If
End Sub
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