What Has the Biden Administration Actually Done? (1 Viewer)

  • Reneging on their promise to unquestionably support Israel and now actively supporting Hamas, Hezbollah, and Iran. The Biden administration plays the sob card of too many civilian deaths in Gaza and blames Israel for the use of "excessive" force. Yet the Biden administration never calls on Hamas to surrender which would potentially end the violence in Gaza.
An "accomplishment" of the Biden administration within the context of this thread, they successfully kept Biden's cognitive decline, even with some reporting on it, suppressed. Democrats (Biden) like to claim they they are protecting democracy, that they are fighting for the soul of the US, and that they stand to integrity. All lies. This cover-up by the Biden administration documents that they are not transparent and are gaslighting the public.

Moreover, when Democrats held their primaries, Biden was presented as the candidate, not Harris. Harris may, by default, receive those Biden pledged delegates now that he has withdrawn. Nevertheless, the leadership of the Democrat party failed to disclose Biden's cogitative decline so that the delegates could make an informed decision at the time of the primaries. Technically, this is an affront to how the democratic process is supposed to work. As an editorial aside: it appears that the Democratic leadership has been fixing the presidential nominating process, in an undemocratic manner, since Hillary Clinton ran for president (it may have started earlier).
If Harris wins, you people have no one to blame but yourselves. As I have been saying all along, MAGA is a Cult, and as long as it remains a cult, all you have is a guy that's only claim to fame is the have contempt for Liberals.

That is the entire MAGA platform, MAGA victims, poor poor pitiful me. Those evil Democrats are rigging the elections.

Until you personally invite a broader message, and start spreading a more inclusive compromising platform, we will live in a divided nation where no one wins, only someone else looses. I've been telling people this for years, you saw what happened these last few weeks.

MAGA insanity rules, zero compromises, 100% blame.
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We dipped into the reserves becaue the sanctions against Russia were going to raise the price of fuel. Ultimately though, the world leaders, which included Biden, decided to not press China and India into adhering to the sanctions. At the same time the US oil and gas technologists have improved dramatically.
Another part of the initial spike was do to futures traders jacking prices to hurt the administration for shutting down the pipeline project. Some of them lost big for that indiscretion.
Hey, didn't California Gov. Gavin Newsom at one time back defunding police? If so why is he crying about crime in CA?
If Harris wins, you people have no one to blame but yourselves. As I have been saying all along, MAGA is a Cult, and as long as it remains a cult, all you have is a guy that's only claim to fame is the have contempt for Liberals.
Your comment is irrelevant to your false MAGA narrative. The Biden administration lied. They should be condemned. Next, the real cultist are the left wing extremists who have now come of the closet to violently display their virulent antisemitism. The violent left wing pro-Palestinian cultist are racists.
Your comment is irrelevant to your false MAGA narrative. The Biden administration lied. They should be condemned. Next, the real cultist are the left wing extremists who have now come of the closet to violently display their virulent antisemitism. The violent left wing pro-Palestinian cultist are racists.
Of course, the evil Liberals.
wasn't asking you personally, just a general question.
He's very sensitive about failed liberal polices. California is the poster child for democrat failure. They hope nobody notices the yuge elephant in the room.
He's very sensitive about failed liberal polices. California is the poster child for democrat failure. They hope nobody notices the yuge elephant in the room.

5th largest economy in the world,

5th largest economy in the world,


I'm guessing you won't mind all the Blue tent cities and drug-addicted homeless coming to a town near you. You probably think it won't happen to your neck of the woods. Liberalism is like a cancer, if left untreated it spreads, and with it comes crime and despair.
He's very sensitive about failed liberal polices. California is the poster child for democrat failure. They hope nobody notices the yuge elephant in the room.
I'm not sensitive at all. These last few weeks have just proven that cult members are still unable diverge from the party line. Some of it might be away to have a safe place to vent, but most of it is dogma, pure and simpler.
If you asked most MAGA folks about energy production,refining and petrochemicals, the vast majority would falsely believe we were doing better durring the Trump administration, in fact, that he was responcible for it.
The entire purse of MAGA Conservatives is to transfer more wealth to the top of the investor class.
Screenshot 2024-07-27 092700.png

Not to worry though, Kamala and Gavin have a plan to replicate their success story across the country
Where are you people getting the information that we are paying illegal immigrant to come here.
We send planes to pick them up and we support them after they get here. Who would pass up that offer? You can twist the logic though because technically we are not paying them to come here. So the free transportation and lodging, etc at our expense are not an actual "salary".
We send planes to pick them up and we support them after they get here. Who would pass up that offer? You can twist the logic though because technically we are not paying them to come here. So the free transportation and lodging, etc at our expense are not an actual "salary".
I think you should look at use spending huge amounts to ship them all over the country.
That would be our wonderful Republican Governor.
I think you should look at use spending huge amounts to ship them all over the country.
That would be our wonderful Republican Governor.
You mean flying them to self proclaimed sanctuary cities where they are welcomed with open arms.
I think you should look at use spending huge amounts to ship them all over the country.
That would be our wonderful Republican Governor.
They are "entitled" to go anywhere. He gave them choices and they chose.

Looks like the hypocrites of Massachusetts are at it again. They claim to be a sanctuary state and yet they are claiming there is no room at the inn as the "good" and "moral" people of Martha's Vineyard pointed out as they called in the National Guard to take out the trash. Now the Governor is offering to pay people to go elsewhere. I wonder if she is asking the good people of the target destination if they want Massachusetts' rejects?

How can they be so callous and uncaring? What happened to their morality? Their welcome sign and sanctuary policies invited the criminals in and now they are not wanted. Whoops. Maybe they should have set a limit. First 10 get to stay. No one else is welcome;)
Harris whines "too many civilians" have been killed while pointing a finger at Israel. Don't expect Harris to even acknowledge this vile killing of children by Hezbollah.

As a historical footnote, the West ceded control of Lebanon to Hezbollah. The West should never have let that happen. As I have expressed in the past, Western nations are committing cultural suicide. As as footnote to this footnote, "‘We Were Shocked’: Olympic Sponsor C-Spire Pulls Ads After ‘Mockery ‘of Last Supper". So even in France, Christianity is under attack. Had they made a mockery of Islam, there would have been massive outrage. While free speech allows anti-Christian speech, it is also an indication that our society if falling apart.
Harris whines "too many civilians" have been killed while pointing a finger at Israel. Don't expect Harris to even acknowledge this vile killing of children by Hezbollah.

As a historical footnote, the West ceded control of Lebanon to Hezbollah. The West should never have let that happen. As I have expressed in the past, Western nations are committing cultural suicide. As as footnote to this footnote, "‘We Were Shocked’: Olympic Sponsor C-Spire Pulls Ads After ‘Mockery ‘of Last Supper". So even in France, Christianity is under attack. Had they made a mockery of Islam, there would have been massive outrage. While free speech allows anti-Christian speech, it is also an indication that our society if falling apart.
You are taking the exact opposite tack. And you see nothing wrong with that. You are just as much a spreader of binary propaganda as her followers are. You're both in a trap.
You are taking the exact opposite tack. And you see nothing wrong with that. You are just as much a spreader of binary propaganda as her followers are. You're both in a trap.
Instead of playing word games, it seems that you should be condemning the horrid actions of Hezbollah. Does your apparent silence mean that you support Hezbollah's atrocious actions against children?
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