Solved WithEvents Class (1 Viewer)


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 12:41
Jan 6, 2022
My first steps to learn how to use WithEvents in a class module.
Here's a simplified version of what I have in a class module called clsFrm:
Option Explicit

Private WithEvents m_form As Access.Form
Private WithEvents m_Closebtn As Access.CommandButton
Const fEvents As String = "[Event Procedure]"

Public Sub InitCls(frm As Access.Form, btn As Access.CommandButton)
    Set m_form = frm
    Set m_Closebtn = btn
    m_Closebtn.OnClick = fEvents
End Sub

Private Sub m_Closebtn_Click()
    MsgBox ""
End Sub

ln the OnLoad events of a form with only one button I have this:
Private Sub Form_Load()
     Dim frm As New clsFrm

     frm.InitCls Me, btnCloseMe
End Sub

When I click the button (btnCloseme), nothing happens.

First question : What I'm doing wrong here?
Second question: I'm looking for some easy-to-understand tutorials for using WithEvents in Access classes. My google search didn't help that much. Can you share some sites that can be a good start point?

Thanks for any kind of advice.
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You could move your frm variable declaration to module level like
Private frm As New clsFrm

Private Sub Form_Load()
     frm.InitCls Me, btnCloseMe
End Sub

That way you'll have it available for the other events.
In this code, the class reference is destroyed when the procedure is exited.
Private Sub Form_Load()
     Dim frm As New clsFrm

     frm.InitCls Me, btnCloseMe
     ' frm => nothing after end of sub

End Sub
=> As Edgar already showed, the class reference must be preserved.
I would just not declare them New so you can check for nothing later.

private m_Frm as clsFrm

Private Sub Form_Load()
     set m_Frm = new clsFrm
     m_Frm.InitCls Me, btnCloseMe
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
     set m_Frm = nothing
End Sub

Note that you create circular references in your code. The form keeps the instance of clsFrm alive and clsForm keeps the instance of the form.
=> Remove the reference from clsFrm on unload. Ideally, also respond to Unload in clsFrm and remove the form reference there.
Have a read, probably one of the most informative sources regarding With Events and Class Modules...


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