I never had an Xbox.
I have a PC, a MAC, a PS3, and a PS4.
The real reason that PC games are "better" than console games is that there is more diversity in them. With the consoles, every single game seems to be a reincarnation of DOOM, in some form. And I loved DOOM (best game of all time?) but I'm totally burnt out on FPS's, Third Person, and RPG's. They give me motion sickness, besides.
I like adventure, strategy, imaginative types of situations.
Things that really grab you (also sexy stuff, lewd, lurid, and indecent is good, but pretty much absent in console games). I don't say I haven't enjoyed the PlayStation (and if you're asking about consoles, it is SUPER EXCELLENT) - but I can't really compare with Xbox cuz as I said I never had it - but I have seen it. Graphics seem comparable, I don't really care about the network play bcuz I'm a single player type. If you are headed in that direction, I'd go with the PlayStation. But shame on the developers and SONY and everyone involved in the industry for making the entire library of console games very much the same - sure there are some exceptions - especially in PS3 that had a lot of time for indies to come out - but now, the best gaming is to be had on web sites like STEAM and played on a PC.
(moan - I just bought my PS4 and already we've drifted away - rarely getting together at all now).
Just my opinion.