Will CNN continue to post Covid-19 death counts? 💀 (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
May 22, 2010
CNN has not posted a Donald Trump death count for at least 5-6 days. Will they continue this tactic if Biden is elected?

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 00:25
Jul 5, 2006
Our similar posts have crossed. I had posted: "Everyday, the Washington Post, on the front page prominently, printed a daily version of the image below. Now that Biden is the apparent winner, what are the odds that the Post will continue to print these scare graphs on the front page for all to see?"

Currently death totals are still rising. Europe is issuing new "lock-downs". I suspect, should Biden be confirmed, that news of the rising death will be suppressed, similar to suppressing news concerning the deaths resulting from Cuomo sending infected people to nursing homes.

Should Biden (or will it be Harris?) be President when a vaccine is finally released, the hyperbolic claim will be made that this transcendent vaccine was only made possible through the dynamic leadership and foresight of the Democrat Party.
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Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
May 22, 2010
If elected Biden's death count starts January 21st no excuses. They will need a cure almost instantly to avoid confusion. :p
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Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
Mar 14, 2017
Should Biden (or will it be Harris?) be President when a vaccine is finally released, the hyperbolic claim will be made that this transcendent vaccine was only made possible through the dynamic leadership and foresight of the Democrat Party.
Which will be especially ironic as we all know if a Democrat had been in charge, the vaccine would've taken a lifetime.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 00:25
Dec 26, 2002
"MY BS candidate is better than YOUR BS candidate!"


Access World Site Owner
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Local time
Today, 05:25
Sep 28, 1999
The vaccines will come out as Biden starts his rein in January, claiming he has defeated the virus as promised. The economy will surge as a result, and a halo will be affixed to Biden's head. What a great decision to elect him. Look what he did already!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
Mar 14, 2017
"MY BS candidate is better than YOUR BS candidate!"
C'mon, Vassago ... You're really going to question whether a democrat would've taken longer than a republican on a heavily regulation-laden issue such as a vaccine?? Does anybody really believe that? If you're just positing to support your guy I understand, but you don't really think that do you?


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 00:25
Dec 26, 2002
Biden is NOT my guy, so...


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 00:25
Dec 26, 2002
I just think the whole both parties blaming the other for their own shortcomings is stupid. They both need to take some F#*$&King responsibility! They both are the cause for the divide in this country and posts like this further it more.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 00:25
Feb 19, 2002
Sorry Vassago but I am going to disagree with that statement. I had two friends drop me when I told them I voted for Trump four years ago. I can't even have a policy discussion with my sister-in-law because she is such a snowflake.

Conservatives (I am not now, nor have I ever been, nor will I ever be a Republican) think of Democrats as nice people with bad ideas.
Liberals think of everyone who doesn't share their exact views as evil people with evil ideas.

Trump has jerk-like tendencies and he offends people. Especially people like my former "friends" and my sister-in-law. Being offended by something someone else says is a choice. That is very different from being evil which is how he is portrayed by the left. When you portray people you disagree with as evil, there is no middle ground so I am placing at least 85% of the blame on liberals. And that is probably generous.

There is one place where I do verge on considering other people's ideas evil and that is when they think that partial birth abortion is right and good for society and must be supported. The NY congress cheering when their abortion bill was passed actually slickened me. Abortion should not be illegal but there is no justification under any conditions for aborting a full term fetus. Period!
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Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 00:25
Dec 26, 2002
I've been dropped by both Trump supporters and Democrats for my views. That's actually what made me pretty much drop social media. I figure what's the point if I say something from my Independent point of view and your only counter is to drop me? Believe me, being independent shows me that both party's supporters are more alike than different when it comes to how they overreact and treat the other.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
Mar 14, 2017
I just think the whole both parties blaming the other for their own shortcomings is stupid. They both need to take some F#*$&King responsibility! They both are the cause for the divide in this country and posts like this further it more.
I will say I think Trump should have been more encouraging of wearing masks, and I wish he had.
Crazy times, that's for sure!


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
Mar 14, 2017
I've been dropped by both Trump supporters and Democrats for my views. That's actually what made me pretty much drop social media. I figure what's the point if I say something from my Independent point of view and your only counter is to drop me? Believe me, being independent shows me that both party's supporters are more alike than different when it comes to how they overreact and treat the other.
Totally agree, this whole thing of not being able to separate friendships from this stuff is bad.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
May 22, 2010
Someone I know who lives in Oregon says "it's not about Republicans and Democrats it's about good vs evil" guess which side this person is on.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 23:25
Feb 28, 2001
there is no justification under any conditions for aborting a full term fetus.

Pat, while I personally agree with you on that, there is a "separation of church vs state" issue that should be considered. There exists certain Christian denominations and quite a few non-Christian ones who say that life does not start until (a) severing of the umbilicus or (b) first breath. To legally deny these people the right to act according to their religious tenets would have the effect of the state choosing - and discrediting - an otherwise valid religion. I.e. establishment of a religion in preference to a different religion. It is a conundrum of the worst kind.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
Mar 14, 2017
Pat, while I personally agree with you on that, there is a "separation of church vs state" issue that should be considered. There exists certain Christian denominations and quite a few non-Christian ones who say that life does not start until (a) severing of the umbilicus or (b) first breath. To legally deny these people the right to act according to their religious tenets would have the effect of the state choosing - and discrediting - an otherwise valid religion. I.e. establishment of a religion in preference to a different religion. It is a conundrum of the worst kind.

The problem with this argument is that ultimately, this doesn't work either. What if those "certain" denominations decided life didn't start until 2 years old?

I'm not suggesting I have the answer, either. Really this discussion brings up the whole fascinating discussion of what criminal laws should be based on. Currently, I think you would have to agree that if you take the WHOLE of criminal laws, they're based on a smorgasbord of constitutional protections, general agreement of some moral principles, and practicality. Anyone who says it's just one of those three, I can show you a hundred that are based on one of the other ones. Mostly focused on the last 2.

But who decides what's moral? The answer has often been "the states", and that might be the best approach. I think partial birth abortions are awful, but I'm also ambivalent about abortions at 2 weeks. I admit it's hard to draw the line.

So might as well let the states' rules reflect local conscience. I.E., get rid of roe v. wade.


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 21:25
May 22, 2010
"MY BS candidate is better than YOUR BS candidate!"
Actually he is ;) Trump win or lose kicks liberal ass.

I'm pretty satisfied with what he's been able to accomplish, double scoop on the supreme court was nice. Gaining 7 seats in the house... Blamo!

Hold the Senate lol, sleepy Joe will be a lame duck on arrival sorry libs.:ROFLMAO:

That dummy Pelosi could have a sweet Covid19 recovery bill but....the speaker holds out for a better deal.
Now they start from scratch with hostile Repubs. HaHa! can't make this stuff up.

On an on it goes
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Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 00:25
Dec 26, 2002
A friend of mine was berated while leaving Planned Parenthood by photos of fetuses and chants of "murderer!" while leaving a consultation after she had a late term abortion. What they DIDN'T know is that the fetus had developed without a brain. She WANTED a healthy baby, but a rate disorder happened and left her and her husband distraught. The asshats outside certainly didn't help the situation.

Every situation is unique and different and that is why politicians should stay out of a woman's uterus.

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