Another mass shooting (1 Viewer)


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:57
May 22, 2010
Stack the Supreme Court?
It certainly worked for the Trumpers. Again, good job for pointing that out.
Trump filled lawful appointments to the Supreme Court. The left wants to increase the number of justices, see the difference?


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 17:57
Dec 20, 2007
I understand that reference. Congratulations on your long friendship, and please understand that I mean that totally independent of ANY differences of opinion we may have. Good job!
The truth is, that almost everyone, if they were sitting around a campfire, and confined the conversation to specifics, would probably agree more than otherwise.

I'm 64 years old about to be on Medicare. But I tell you we all (Americans) are arguing over minor distractions when we should be creating healthier lives for our citizens. We should be stopping the consolidation of the food companies, we should examine the impact of the hedge funds on our well being. We should get ahead of the financial sector, in general, having ultimate control over our lives.

We don't do that though, Any of us.
Thank you for the kind words. my daughter was pretty happy about it as well. she is also 35.
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Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 17:57
Dec 20, 2007
Trump filled lawful appointments to the Supreme Court. The left wants to increase the number of justices, see the difference?
Yes actually I do see the difference

I mean it is kind obvious that there is a difference. I don't have an opinion about it as yet.

This is an opportunity to ask you. If Liberals would had stormed the Capital and gotten some people killed. How would you feel about that?
If Republicans where wanting to add new Justices, how would you feel about that?


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 16:57
Mar 13, 2021
So we should just table all innovation so the folks in Iowa aren't stressed out over change?
I said nothing about innovation. innovation is constant, therefore it is built in to everything we say. I named different things affecting us, the minimum list. but there is a boat load of other things california could keep to themselves but they keep letting them escape from their own state and affect everyone else. That's what pisses me off, actually. Money also plays a big part.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:57
May 22, 2010
If Republicans where wanting to add new Justices, how would you feel about that?
One Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices have served us well, so I would be against increasing the numbers.
If Liberals would had stormed the Capital and gotten some people killed. How would you feel about that?
I wouldn't feel good about it.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 17:57
Dec 20, 2007
One Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices have served us well, so I would be against increasing the numbers.

I wouldn't feel good about it.
The thing about Democrats, they have been divided by their liberal extremist, where as Republicans have been unified by there's, and by the Liberal ones. We deserved to have the court moved to the right. We are seeing it happen all over again. H. Clinton and her ultra feminists followers managed to hand over the Whitehouse by alienating every white (and some black) men in the country.

The Dems are hard to love, that's for sure.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:57
Feb 19, 2002
There are so called socialist counties in Europe with lower debt to GDP ratios, and lower growth in that ratio, than us. And the have better medical and longer lives.
Check out whether or not they pay their NATO fee. If we are paying for their national defense, they have a lot more money to spend on the "nice" stuff.
Untrue. However that statement applies to ALL forms of governments that collect taxes. In the case of the US, both sides of the aisle are equally terrible about it.
Yes and no. The point of taxes is to take care of running the country and protecting it and protecting it from its enemies. Whether we like them or not, taxes are required. The hard job is to make them fair as we collect them and rational as we spend "the people's" money. Everybody who votes should have skin in the game. We've gotten away from that because it's "racist" or whatever the current pejorative is. In fact, we've gotten to the sad state of 47% of the people who earn taxable income don't actually pay any income tax and a fair number of them actually get money back that they never paid in via the earned income tax credit. When you have more people voting for "free stuff" than paying for the "free stuff", the system breaks down and we are really close to that point. This is the famous "running out of other people's money" point. Once that happens, the smart thing to do is to stop earning an income and just get your share from the government.

The more Socialist a society becomes, the more we get into the problem of the government taking money from some people and giving it to others that they deem to be more worthy. The Republicans get sucked into this because they don't like being accused of being racists if they refuse to go along with the joke. The Biden administration has gone over the cliff with this one and it is actually pissing off actual tax payers. Biden has imported 10 million + illegal aliens and is making ME pay to put them up in 3-star hotels all over the country. Then I have to feed them, clothe them, educate their children in their own language, pay their medical expenses, including whatever they want or they call us cruel and callous. They also complain if they have to share a room or they don't like their free food. We also give them a stipend apparently. Our homeless vets and mentally ill can live on the streets and pound sand because they don't count. Only the newly minted Democrat voters count. This is what the automatic voter registration is all about as well as the hard push against photo IDs for voting.
Ask a real question. Why does the US have the most expensive health care system in the world, by both total spending, and per capita spending? We rank 47th in longevity and way down on the list of access to health care?
Because our members of Congress had to vote for Obama Care before they could find out what the bill contained :poop: :poop: :poop: Congress makes laws that protect insurance companies and medical providers rather than citizens. We can't afford lobbyists but big pharma spends enormous sums of money to get favorable laws and they actually write their own legislation and just hand it off to whichever members will be supporting the bills.

Do a little research on what the rest of the world pays for drugs vs what Americans pay. It's roughly 3-1 or even worse. So, not only does big pharma get favorable tax treatment, they get to ra** the American public so they can give deals to France because France won't let big pharma ra** French citizens. I just got a new Asthma prescription. List is $795 per month. I get to pay the bargain price of $190 per month - and I have a really good drug plan. My old drug, which worked great cost me $85 per month but Medicare stopped covering it. Why? Who knows. I can't get an actual answer. Maybe someone stopped paying the backsheesh. I've been through 6 different drugs and haven't been able to breath for over a year. I use my rescue inhaler every day which if you know anything about asthma is really bad. At least the 2-week sample seemed promising. At least I am not in the awful position of having to decide whether i breath or eat.

6 topics there Pat, you're improving. If you could get it up to 30 or so that would be an achievement.
Quite an assumption.
Stack the Supreme Court?
It certainly worked for the Trumpers. Again, good job for pointing that out.
That is nonsense and you know it. Presidents get to fill vacancies as they occur. The Democrats want to increase the number of seats so they can fill 4 at once. THAT is what stacking is. NOT filling vacancies Duh!
Yes actually I do see the difference
If you see the difference, they why would you ever accuse Trump of stacking the court? Serious question - can you answer?
If Republicans where wanting to add new Justices, how would you feel about that?
Pretty much the same as how I feel about the Dems doing it. When the reason is political, I am 100% against it. If the two parties decided that there was a need to increase the number of members to increase the throughput and agreed to appoint one each or two each, then I would not object, as long as each side had 100% freedom to appoint THEIR choice regardless of the other party's opinion.


Formerly Jsanders
Local time
Today, 17:57
Dec 20, 2007
I said nothing about innovation. innovation is constant, therefore it is built in to everything we say. I named different things affecting us, the minimum list. but there is a boat load of other things california could keep to themselves but they keep letting them escape from their own state and affect everyone else. That's what pisses me off, actually. Money also plays a big part.
The old ways are dying, get used to it.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 14:57
Mar 14, 2017
The $ we have given to Iran in sanctions relief surpasses the aid we have given to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan combined.

Weird policies from these Democrats huh?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:57
Feb 19, 2002
Weird policies from these Democrats huh?
Not weird at all. If you fund both sides of every conflict, you can bankrupt us sooner. What really bothers me is what the Democrats think will protect them from the collapse. They keep voting for these awful bills and profligate spending along with the Republicans who have joined their cause. Are they really so stupid that they think it is rational to fund both sides of the conflict or do they have a hidden plan that will save then when the boat sinks? I want in.


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 16:57
Feb 28, 2001
I have absolutely no problem with giving the residents of Gaza humanitarian aid. Despite their terrible political choices, they are people who vote for what they think is right. They might well be wrong or brainwashed, but they voted in Hamas. That chicken has come home to roost and I don't need to rub it in.

My concern is that somehow Hamas will get their hooks into more money because they somehow monetize and redirect that aid. Funding the non-combatants of Gaza? Go for it. Funding for Israel? Go for it. Allowing monetary diversions to continue funding Hamas? Time to break that bank.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:57
May 22, 2010
Not to worry....

"The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News."

Probably not to Delaware or Martha's Vineyard though.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:57
Feb 19, 2002
I have absolutely no problem with giving the residents of Gaza humanitarian aid.
No one does. The problem is that they are not running the place. Hamas is and they have always been stealing the aid


Well-known member
Local time
Today, 16:57
Mar 13, 2021
The old ways are dying, get used to it.
it's been happening since the first president was in office man. that is obvious. eventually all that weird shit that starts in california will spread everywhere and democrats will take over. THAT is what I'm not looking forward to, if I'm still alive when it happens.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:57
Jul 5, 2006
"The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News."
This is insane. We brought in a lot of refugees from Somalia. One of those refugees was Ilhan Omar, who has demonstrated her appreciation for this humanitarian gesture by being antisemitic and anti-American. Then there is Pramila Jayapal, who also immigrated into the US and promotes antisemitism and anti-Americanism.

How does one distinguish between supposed "civilian" Palestinians and Hamas terrorists?

Based on realpolitik concepts, you don't want to bring into this country people who will have no loyalty to the country and who, given the opportunity, would seek to undermine the country.

Now, not every Palestinian is a member of Hamas or a supporter of Hamas. Again, I raise the realpolitik approach, Where are the Palestinians demonstrating to overthrow Hamas? If the Palestinians are not willing to free themselves of Hamas, why should they be entitled to come to the US? The US should be encouraging the Palestinians to make their own destiny in Gaza. Simply put, accepting refugees, creates two problems.
First, in the case of radical Islam, accepting refugees from the country controlled by the radical Islamists, allows them to gain further dictatorial control of the country since there won't be an opposing political group.
Second, accepting refugees weakens the accepting country. Especially if the refugees are not interested in assimilation with the dominant culture.

Caring for refugees is an admirable humanitarian goal. Before implementing that humanitarianism, one needs to consider to the realpolitik implications.
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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 14:57
May 22, 2010
it's been happening since the first president was in office man. that is obvious. eventually all that weird shit that starts in california will spread everywhere and democrats will take over. THAT is what I'm not looking forward to, if I'm still alive when it happens.
If Trump doesn't get reelected California will be the least of your problems.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 17:57
Jul 5, 2006
"The Biden administration is considering bringing certain Palestinians to the U.S. as refugees, a move that would offer a permanent safe haven to some of those fleeing war-torn Gaza, according to internal federal government documents obtained by CBS News."
PS: I was reminded that none of the surrounding Arab states, who are culturally similar to the Palestinians, want to take in any Palestinian refugees. Seems that they should be willing to accept that humanitarian burden.

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