The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities (1 Viewer)

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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 15:25
Jun 16, 2000
I'm tingling with something, but I think it may just be the chicken sandwich I ate for lunch. On reflection, the refrigerator in that shop didn't seem very cold.

Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 15:25
Jun 16, 2000
I've participated in many a free offer in the past, but never one that required me to have a hole drilled in my head. Call me fussy, if you like - but I'm going to shop elsewhere.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:25
Nov 21, 2007
Tim, can I get a reading on your IQ level please? and if possible, your EQ.

Mike: You participated in other free offers? How silly! You must be what brought Tim here, he had to have found us somehow. One of those free offers you took was a ploy to find us here!


BTW, communication with spirit is nothing new! What's new is that the Freak appears to think he can record people's experiences when communicating with spirit, but how can he be sure it's not just a day dream or an autosuggestive immage he is recording, if he is able to record anything at all?

If the little freaklings are required to pass over in order to make contact, who's to say they don't get kidnapped or otherwise distracted while there and can't get back? Or is ther a fail safe, like, let me see now, it doesn't actually work!

Hello Oumahexi,

I'm happy that you are excited too and I would like to compliment you one your keen observations with regard to the risk assessment for both the procedure as well as the potential ramifications that it may entail. It is my opinion that clinical research on the subject is going to be the only way that real progress in this field can occur.

In order to further these ends, I suggest that we enlist the services of two distinct groups of participants. First, the control group. Perhaps these fellows would have a hole drilled in their heads so that they are brought to the "death state" without the aid of the Braingate machine. Observations should be recorded as to accurately convey the circumstances of their condition. The second group, will be brought into the "death state" via the computer generated impulses of the Braingate machine. Careful observation will be used so that we may record their reactions to this new technology.

I am certain if we repeat this protocol over a long period of time some interesting patterns might emerge that would allow us to better understand the universal phenomena that greets us all at the termination of our worldly existence. The only stumbling block that I seem to be running into is the one of how do we harvest the first hand accounts of the control group.....I'm sure that we will figure that out as we go......

Anyways.....hooray for the advancement of scientific discovery, hooray for the brilliance that is the mind of Tim Brewer for taking the initiative to introduce us to these new and exciting concepts, and hooray for oumahexi for embracing the sound foundation that is the scientific method! (and for being such a swell poster too)



Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:25
Aug 26, 2008
I don't know about the rest of you posters, but I for one am tingling with excitement as a result of Tim Brewer's announcement regarding the next phase in the evolution of his Afterlife Communication Concept. I am confident that as this trend continues and Tim Brewer's plan for communication

Rhymes with


Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Do you see why you need an afterlife planner like me?

You do not have to get a hole drilled in your head.

I plan you around all that, with other safe options.

Thank you again Martin, and all of my 133 Access World Forum friends.

Please feel free to check all of them out on my profile!

It is also good to see, so many new guest, viewing this topic everyday here as well!

One day people will be able to try my option, with out everybody knowing about it.

A private, safe, free option!

They can add it to their will, if they like.

A never give up option!

An open ended Hope concept, for everybody, regardless if you believe in it or not, at this time!

I would also like to take this time, and thank Google, for this link below.

They claim I was a free afterlife planner, way back on page 20, of this topic here!

I am a free afterlife planner!

My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your Free Afterlife planner.

I hold a higher title, than most of our world Leaders!

I would never tell them that.

Some say, I already did!

It is just my title, not me, by any stretch of the imagination.

I have no ego, other than to entertain. I saw some people entertain them self's here, by doing three word stories, and they seam to be very good at doing it.

I was impressed!

I believe it is time, for President Obama, to cross party lines, and hang out with me for a day.

What would it hurt?

I am not getting any younger.

I'm sorry I took it to heart, about a joke Carol Burnett, once said.

"About the time I got my head on straight, my body fell apart!"

I'm just trying to do the best I can, with what I have to work with!

President Obama feels that we should donate our time, for our country.

What have I been doing?

Donating my time with my family, because I am focused on this option.

I did not ever believe I could be an Edison, or an Einstein, until I gave up my career, to focus on this option.

What is my I.Q?

It probably sucks!

I am good, at what I want to focus on, not what you want me to focus on.

The odds of me being better at anything, is determined, with my ability to enjoy it!

I never read a whole book. I just want the just for now, on any given thing, because if you can get the just, you can get everything else later.

Everything in life takes it's allotted amount of time.

I am on the clock!

I am now an official Icon!

The only one I know, how about you?

Does China have a free afterlife planner?

Canada got one?

Russia got one?

England got one?


Where else can you find one, other than here?

I am all you got in this Department!

Yes, it is a Department, The Department of Positive Out of Body Possibilities.

It's all connected!

Maybe President Obama, is willing to connect his Legacy, with mine.

I have no doubt, that he will want to meet with all of you, as well. Especially, if we can make this option
happen quick!

He knows how smart every one of you are, if you believe it or not.

Should President Obama, support me?


Should President Obama, deport me?

Please feel free to let him know!

Testing, 1,2,3, testing!

Dear President Obama,

My name is Tim Brewer, from Dayton, Ohio!

I got nothing, what do you got?
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Atomic Shrimp

Humanoid lifeform
Local time
Today, 15:25
Jun 16, 2000
Have you ever looked at your hands? I mean, really looked at your hands.

Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
I would get a qualified second opinion if I were you:rolleyes:

Qualified Second opinion:

Martin, am I normal?

Please feel free to check out my profile page real close, and make a Qualified opinion, about me your self!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
Have you ever looked at your hands? I mean, really looked at your hands.

Yes, I have looked at my hands Mike.

How long do you really want me to look at my hands Mike?

What am I really looking for with my hands Mike?

Would you like me to keep my hands close to my topic Mike?

What is it about my hands, are you concerned with Mike?

Did you need a helping hand with something Mike?
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
Live reality any way you like, but don't forget to sign up for my free afterlife communication option.

Please take this time, and dream the Afterlife life style,

just in case I am right!

Here is another afterlife option, that Paris Hilton is trying.

Look Mike, no hands!

My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your free Afterlife Communication Planner!

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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
What family TV show, did you watch growing up?

Did they ever talk about my option?


Because it is that new of an idea, that it has not even reached the media yet!

A new weird idea, that should work, based on everything associated with afterlife in general.

A chance to start, a new type of afterlife family.

What does this mean to you?


Eternal love!

Children are allowed to play again, and be children.

You can leave your keys in your car again, and not worry about somebody stealing anything, because every body knows, when you are out in the public, you can be measured.

Do everything right, and you have nothing to lose!

Every bad thing you did before that, is written off in the archives, and you get a chance to have a better life.

More time, more money!

Why, because if we can show, that you live forever, regardless the situation, then your value goes up, based on your low over head, later in your afterlife.


An afterlife would have no problem building a lot of money, from an afterlife communication job, based on even minimum wage.

Very little over head for an afterlife, productive person.

They probally do not want you to feel sorry for them, because they have nothing to be sorry for.

Afterlife is natural, and you can see that in the numbers, based on people who have near death experiences, at some point in their life.

This is a constance situation, that relies of different people internal thoughts, deciding that a near death experience is the best option, at some of the worst options in your life, like a near death situation to begin with.

This would lead you to believe, that the natural pro-to call for every internal energy, is to take you out of pain, and into pleasure, and that in it self, is why your internal thoughts are going for this option.

We know that we live in energy, and it only makes sense that everything starts from the inside out!

There is an inside to everything, and we are no different.

In 2005, they came out with a machine(BrainGate), that measures friction of energy.

In an out of body state, you will have to go to this outer sensor, and make it happen!

What do I mean, by make this happen!

In an afterlife Orb life style, you only have one option to communicate back with humans, and that is with your thoughts.

We always have them in a near death experience, and we will have them in an afterlife experience as well, based on the laws of science.

There is an inside to everything, including energy!

If energy can not be destroyed, and we do live inside energy, as shown through testimony of near death experience people, then there is no reason this would change in an afterlife experience either.

Science now, is measuring humans, and not afterlife, in the way that they should.

Ghost Hunters are not exploring afterlife, like they should.

Why, because they do not follow the constance laws of near death experience people.

We will always have documentation of this, but nobody is taking the time to learn from it, until now!

Just like you, I make it a point, to learn from other people's mistakes, and this field of science is no different!

It seams, as though a lot of people associate all afterlife possibilities to God, even though they are taught, that they are the image of God.

It might be safe to say, that you have the same number of thoughts as God as well, and some say that is about 40,000 a day on average.

If that holds true to the afterlife as well, then we should make a point to focus this option more closely!

Some feel this, and some feel that, but my free idea concept is based on measurable facts, based on science, as we know it.

My credibility is backed by one of the Worlds Greatest Inventors, Thomas A. Edison.

He believed it was possible to communicate with the dead!

Albert Einstein could not understand why small particles like atoms, behaved the way they did.

Science has spent years, trying to understand why humans act the way they do as well!

Afterlife, are just on a smaller scale, but they can be measured, with friction of energy!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

Home at last!

If you can wiggle your toes, you should take advantage of my free idea concept.

Please fill free to continue to wiggle your toes, and try and think how you are able to do that.

That is an isolated thought, and that command from your thoughts, goes a long way to get there, but it always seams to get there!

It only takes a second, or two, in an out of body state, to see what options you have to work with.

Your ability to see, move, and think, and all the while, creating a friction that can be measured, if you want to give it a try.

I provide you with the chance, to think about this option, from a different perspective, other than old false belief's.

As they say in lottery, you can not win, if you do not play!

Sure at first, it might sound like work, but that is just because we have not made it Fisher Price easy yet, but that time will come, when you get your chance.

How do you get your chance?

Ask for it!

Say, I want to do what that Afterlife Planner Tim brewer is talking about, because I can wiggle my toes!

Something to be proud of, if only for the circulation value, as a human.

Your inside of everything, is associated with atoms, and maybe just one, or a b-product of all of them, and with more study in this field in history will determine that, be it tomorrow, or long after my free idea concept becomes a reality.

I mentally have no control, over science urgency in this field, but as a consumer, you should be worried.

Science lack of progressing in this field, is hurting nobody but you!

It is like a private sector option, that can not see the light of day, because of Government delays.

I could set this option up, with the patients of BrainGate, in the next 30 Minutes, if given the chance.

A Realtor has the advantage of showing you your dream home,

because they are allowed to take you through that house.

I only have the imagination, to walk you through my option, at this time.

Everything to do with my option comes down to the imagination, because the worlds only free afterlife planner, is not given the tools needed, to make it happen.

What tools do I need?

Word of mouth with the BrainGate patients, and the staff of BrainGate.

Until that day comes, either for me, or somebody else, and if they do it correctly with out me, with no excuses, then your work with the planning will take hold, because your ability to inform others about this option, will be the key to it's success!

It is now time for me to go on an imaginary media bliss!

Ladies and Gentlemen, it brings me great pleasure to introduce my next guest.

His name is Tim Brewer, and he comes to us all the way, from the Heartland of Ohio!

He claims to be our free afterlife planner.

So, Tim, when did you figure out, that you were suppose to be this afterlife planner?

I know it sounds crazy, but that is only on the surface of this option. once you take the time to look closer at the option, and measure it, like you would anything else, then and only then, can you see the value of this option.

I'm not saying you are right or wrong Tim, but that is too much information for me to take in all at one time!

I totally understand, because I was just like you at one time, but the more I explored this option, and only then, that I could see how it all comes together, and how we can benefit from it as well.

Should I worry that some of these afterlife Orbs, are watching me now?

Only if you let AL gore inform an afterlife Orb, that they are the cause of global warming.

You should not worry, but be glad, because that opens the door for you as well in the future, if you decide to try it.

So how do I go about trying your option then?

Good question imaginary Jay Leno!

Just keep inviting me back to your show, and asking all these good questions, until everybody has had a chance to weigh in on it.

I do not know about the rest of you, but this Afterlife Planner Tim Brewer guy, just might be onto something!

So where can we get more information about this option?

You are there!
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Tim Brewer

Local time
Today, 07:25
May 21, 2007
What condition will it be, that makes my idea work for the very first time?

Regardless where you are located, there is no place on it, that you could find, that offers a free afterlife communication option, like mine!

Let's try Ohio!

Looks like the needle in the haystack example I gave before.

The Wright Brothers had to go East to try their experiment,

and so will I, when that time comes.

I imagine, if I had more time to focus on my option,

I would only get better, than what I have managed to do so far, if given the chance to be your official free afterlife Planner!

No emotion, no ego, no drama, just focusing on this easy, safe, no obligation free option!

An opportunity that can fix every major problem known, to Woman, child, or Man!

Would you like this type of image, when you go to find, your first afterlife sensor some day?

It almost looks like they are ready for you, and looking forward
to help you do it.

Is this a cross, or a future afterlife sensor!

How about afterlife sensors in private businesses?

Are they not consumers as well?

Buying stuff for other friends, and relatives.

Keeping a watch on you, when you had one too many to drink, and still want to drive home!

Doing it in a way, that you never knew it was them, but helping you just the same.

Some people call afterlife people Angels. I call Angels Afterlife people.

Will you have time to interact with most of them in your life time, as they play out their free afterlife plan.

Everybody now has the chance to imagine their afterlife, life style!

Everybody, will have a chance to enjoy life better in the future, if my option is put into place now!

What will it take to get there?

You, after learning from me.

What to do, and how to do it, if you really want me to plan your afterlife communication needs!

I'm sorry, I have no model home to show you at this time, but I will get back to you on that, at some point in history, if given the chance.

Controlling emotions:

We are suppose to forget about the past!

We are not suppose to waste our time on the future!

We are suppose to be thankful for what we are given, and ignore the rest.

I admit it, I waste some of my thoughts, everyday on the future, but just those thoughts, for that day.

If I get the chance, I post some of them, just so you are on the same page, with my thoughts, for that day.

You get a sneak peek into my personal diary thoughts.

Why I do this, or why I do that.

Paradigm thinking, with what I have to work with.

What do you see in this image above?

Air can make trees grow, or destroy it!

Movement of energy!

Movement of energy in the wrong situation can be very dangerous, as we are finding out, in the field of medicine all the time.

A negative magnetic field, creates the situation, for all type of problems, if not managed correctly.

Being positive all the time gets boring!

You have to have a balance, but be selective with those selected negative thoughts.

They say that 60% of what language comes out of our mouth, is negative.

Don't believe this, catch your self talking next time, and see what you are saying, positive, or negative.

Maybe that even goes for threads, I do not know.

It's time!


There are so many good options out there, and to really get the chance to enjoy them all.
You almost have to start thinking, and doing something with it!

Everybody loves structure, but sometimes you have to help that structure grow. My option would be that type of addition!

It's safe, it's honest, is healthy, it's free, and It fits!

A Win for everybody, and I do mean everybody!

Thank you for reading my invisible thoughts, with those of your own.

My name is Tim Brewer, and I am your Afterlife Planner!

I do not make this stuff up!

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Registered User.
Local time
Today, 11:25
Nov 21, 2007
I am not getting any younger.

You definitely arent getting any longer, you look like an old cracked up nutcase.

PS Tim: The pictures you pasted on the bottom of page 58 were actually pasted a long time ago by you, roughly around page 15-20 if I recall, the other is around page 12. Sorry, I have a photographic memory and I had to bring this up to you. So funny enough, I can actualy visual almost every post you've made, and know every image you've pasted... in a way you'll always haunt me until my memory fails. :)
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