Fishing expedition by 1/6 commission (1 Viewer)


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 07:51
Mar 14, 2017
Wonder why she didn't bring her gun if she thought she was going to an "insurrection

Exactly. @moke123 are you suggesting that people are guilty of insurrection if they like guns and play the tough guy act, even if on the 'day' in question, they don't have their gun?

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:51
Feb 19, 2002
"their" democracy has become - if we accuse you of a crime, even a non-crime, you are guilty. No need for a judge or jury. That's just for suckers who believe in the bill of rights. J'accuse! And if we don't like your politics, your sentence will be 40 times what you might get if a grand jury had indicted you and you had a real trial with a jury of your peers and an unbiased judge.


Local time
Today, 10:51
Jan 11, 2013
Exactly. @moke123 are you suggesting that people are guilty of insurrection if they like guns and play the tough guy act, even if on the 'day' in question, they don't have their gun?
Are suggesting the only definition of Armed is with a gun? Thought you went to law school.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:51
Jul 5, 2006
Seriously, Epps appears to be an instigator. As such he should receive the maximum sentence. Such a light sentence would seem to imply that Epps was really a "plant" and is serving time as cover. Evidently the DOJ did go after a member of the "Proud Boys" and charged him with instigating even though he was far away in Baltimore(?).
Then there is the case of Jacob Chansley who received approximately a 4 year sentence (now commuted) for aimlessly walking around.
Finally, the FBI seems to be ignoring tracking down and charging the left wing violent protesters. This is not equal justice.
DOJ declined to prosecute Ray Epps. Now it wants him sent to prison.
He's an uncovered asset who is still playing his role.
The "uncovered asset" who incited people to enter the Capital building is essentially walking free while some of those who followed his "orders" remain in jail. Additional, anecdotal evidence that Jan. 6th was a false flag operation.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:51
Feb 19, 2002
Are suggesting the only definition of Armed is with a gun? Thought you went to law school.
OK, how many people were convicted of carrying a gun? I can't find any. The only gun crime that day was the cold blooded murder of Ashley Babbitt. Of all the thousands of people who have been persecuted for taking selfies in the Rotunda, how many were "armed" and with what? Why are they not on death row given the over charging of all "crimes" committed that day?

The nice thing about Trump winning in 2024 will be the prosecution of Pelosi as an accessory after the fact for her part in the coverup of the murder of Ashley Babbitt. Maybe the Mayor will also be charged as well as the Chief of the Capitol police, although he was the only one who tried to prevent the chaos that day. He still went along with the coverup.


Local time
Today, 10:51
Jan 11, 2013
OK, how many people were convicted of carrying a gun? I can't find any.
Guess your google algorithms take you to tourism sites.

This list was last updated 2 years ago.



Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:51
Sep 28, 1999
It would be interesting to know the number of armed people in the Black Lives Matter riots. Then you can compare the two.

The January 6th crowd was about 80,000 in size. A quick glance at the article suggests they found 2 people with guns at the time (correct me if I am wrong). So, 2/80000 = 0.0025% of the crowd were found to have guns. I would suggest that with such a low percentage, it was not exactly what you would call a coup. And what coup leaders ask to protest peacefully? It seems incredulous to me that this particular message seems to be discounted and ignore by the other side. Protest peacefully does not equal take over the country by force. That is ridiculous.

There may be others in the crowd with guns, but they only found two. They arrested over 1,000 people in connection with the riot. Let us just assume for the sake of argument that only 500 arrests were made on the day. That would be 2/500 = 0.4% with guns. And, it is unclear from what I read if these 2 individuals were actually in the building or not. Or in other words, do we know if any of the rioters who breached the Capitol had guns on them?


Local time
Today, 10:51
Jan 11, 2013
Why so obsessed with guns? Look at the legal definitions of weapons.
Legally it is not necessarily the object but in how that object is used. A pencil is a relatively benign object but depending on how it is used can be considered a deadly weapon. Can't tell you how many police reports I've read where the charge is Assault with a dangerous weapon, to wit, a shod foot. Translation - they kicked someone while wearing a shoe.

It’s also important to note that an insurrection is a violent uprising against the government, and the definition of "armed" is not legally limited to guns; it refers to any weapon used for defense or offense and as a means of protection. Other items used as weapons on Jan. 6 included bats, crutches, flagpoles, skateboards, fire extinguishers and chemical sprays.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:51
Sep 28, 1999
I think because they were all wearing shoes, then they were all storming the Capitol with weapons: "Revealed: 100% of Capitol Rioters Found with Weapons", CNN. "Update: One member was let off on appeal as found to be wearing flip flops", MSNBC. Update #2: "Hippy found barefoot. Let off."
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:51
May 22, 2010
If these were Biden supporters it would be reported around the world as mostly peaceful protests.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 10:51
Jul 5, 2006
If these were Biden supporters it would be reported around the world as mostly peaceful protests.
If Jan 6th, involved BLM/Antifa rioters the Capital building would be a smoking ruin. The patriots entering the Capital acted more like peaceful tourists, aimlessly walking around.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:51
May 22, 2010
The same people who are parsing the word insurrection now, would be claiming something completely different if it were turned around. It's political fodder period stop feigning outrage.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 10:51
Feb 19, 2002
Why so obsessed with guns?
Because the way the media describes the event, it was deadly. It's hysterical. Somebody says "Jan 6th" and everyone bows their head and looks grim. The only person who died was Ashley Babbitt and she was murdered in cold blood and the murderer got off scot free because he was black and she was white and black people cannot possibly commit a crime in the new America unless they are Trump supporters. People don't read past the headline. "Armed insurrection" my ass. You have to inflate the tiniest badness part by implying that everyone came to the party carrying weapons. And you are right, a pencil could be a weapon in trained hands and so are shoelaces. So using that theory, why not call the Antifa and Black Lives "matter" riots armed insurrections? They took over whole sections of cities or buildings and held them for days or weeks. They declared their own country!!!!!!! If that is not an armed insurrection, I don't know what is. We won't even talk about the businesses and lives they destroyed. And yet you describe these events as mostly peaceful. Stop being so dishonest. The hyprocasy of the left has gotten so bad, even your own people are speaking out. It has become deadly to this country. Once you break the justice system, the country becomes a banana republic. No one is safe from persecution when the bill of rights doesn't count for anything.

Jan 6th was a mostly peaceful demonstration that got out of hand because agitators embedded by the FBI whipped up the crowd enough to break into the Capitol building. I think one door was broken and the windows around it. The other doors were opened by the police and people were ushered in. Once inside, people wandered around taking selfies and talking to the police and that's what the video shows except for a couple of shoving incidents. The video was so exculpatory, the government refused to allow the defendants to review it and use it in their own defence. The evidence of this is that when the video was actually released, the QAnon Shaman, who was quite visible and easy to follow was released from jail because all he did was wander around and pray. The stories were lies. The charges were lies. The whole thing was exaggerated out of all proportion because the government needed an incident. Any incident. And the corrupt FBI made it happen. Good job, their guy got off with probation. 20 years for the Proud Boys, probation for the embedded FBI agent provocateur. That is what "your" democracy has done to the "justice" system.


Local time
Today, 10:51
Jan 11, 2013
The evidence of this is that when the video was actually released, the QAnon Shaman, who was quite visible and easy to follow was released from jail because all he did was wander around and pray.
You really need to learn how things work.

Albert Watkins, the attorney who handled Chansley’s plea and sentencing, tells TIME that the new footage did not play any role in his former client’s release. “Absolutely no,” he says. “I have seen no indication of any filings related to the new footage. There are no docket entries indicating the same.”

He notes that the plea agreement and sentencing imposed by the court permitted reduced time if Chansley undertook certain programs and behaved well while confined. The early release, he says, is most likely “based on a host of factors routinely taken into consideration by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons.”

Erica Zunkel, a law professor and associate director of the University of Chicago’s Federal Criminal Justice Clinic, tells TIME that the early release seems to be the product of routine federal prison policy rather than a decision based on the potential new evidence. “It would be completely inappropriate if the Tucker Carlson video played a role in his early release,” she says. “They don’t have the authority to consider things that happen after someone is sentenced except in very limited circumstances.”

“This is what the Bureau of Prisons does when people are being released. They calculate good time credit,” she adds.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 15:51
Sep 28, 1999
I know nothing of this case, but to be slightly pedantic, when he says "most likely", this could mean:

a) 51% chance being true verses 49% being false

b) That he is guessing.

He could also be lying to push a political narrative, rather like the Jan 6th peaceful protest recharacterised as a failed coup.


Lifelong Learner
Local time
Today, 07:51
Mar 14, 2017
Are suggesting the only definition of Armed is with a gun? Thought you went to law school.
You're the one who tried to tie the picture of her holding a gun with insurrection guilt, not me


Local time
Today, 10:51
Jan 11, 2013
You're the one who tried to tie the picture of her holding a gun with insurrection guilt, not me
I only posted a picture from the probable cause statement against her. She tied herself to her insurrection guilt by all her posts on social media.

I know nothing of this case, but to be slightly pedantic, when he says "most likely", this could mean:

a) 51% chance being true verses 49% being false

b) That he is guessing.

He could also be lying to push a political narrative, rather like the Jan 6th peaceful protest recharacterised as a failed coup.

I can tell you from 40+years of criminal defense work that it was exactly what happened. Unless it's mando time there is always good time as long as there are no facility infractions. If it were anything other than good time there would be a paper trail and his attorney would have been involved.

Just found my new favorite quote from Chansley's attorney -

“A lot of these defendants — and I’m going to use this colloquial term, perhaps disrespectfully — but they’re all fucking short-bus people,” Watkins told TPM. “These are people with brain damage, they’re fucking retarded, they’re on the goddamn spectrum.”

“But they’re our brothers, our sisters, our neighbors, our coworkers — they’re part of our country. These aren’t bad people, they don’t have prior criminal history. Fuck, they were subjected to four-plus years of goddamn propaganda the likes of which the world has not seen since fucking Hitler.”

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 10:51
Feb 19, 2002
Just found my new favorite quote from Chansley's attorney -
Boy, he's just the kind of guy I'd want defending me. A bigot and a Trump hater to boot. A lot of those "short bus" people were veterans.

No wonder Chansley ended up in jail for sightseeing and praying inside the Capitol building. No film has him committing any crime except for just being there. If there was film of him doing something except sightseeing, it would still be playing on a loop on CNN. But, he was in costume so he became the face of the "insurrection". He also had a lawyer that didn't care enough to defend him. This is why poor people go to jail and rich people get off. The "justice" system may promise everyone a lawyer to defend them but they get the bottom of the barrel.

There were people who did damage inside the building. They also went into Pelosi's office and stole computers I think. Throw the book at them. I don't care. But Chansley is a patriot who was in the wrong place at the wrong time and because he was in costume, he made himself a target. I'm sure he was considered "armed" and dangerous. Praying is very dangerous these days. He was carrying a staff and wearing a hat with horns. But the government "fixed" him. They made him an example to show the rest of the Trump supporters - you support Trump and we will crush you with the weight of the entire federal bureaucracy. We will throw you in jail without bail and bankrupt you unless you confess to some crime. And they are still pursuing people who were in the vicinity as we speak. Apparently not everyone has gotten the message and Trump still has a few supporters left. You'd think the FBI and DOJ might have actual criminals to pursue like parents who speak out at school board meetings. Now those people are really criminals.

Our "justice" system and especially the FBI has become the laughing stock of the world for their hypocritical banana republic tactics. Even China has called us out for it.

Hunter Biden gets a pass and people who were in DC on Jan 6th will be hunted until hell freezes over or they are all brought to "justice"


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 07:51
May 22, 2010
Yeah, no explanation of why the capital police gave him and others the grand tour with special access, then prosecuted him. Very bizarre.


Local time
Today, 10:51
Jan 11, 2013
Yeah, no explanation of why the capital police gave him and others the grand tour
there was you just ignored it.

Chansley 's plea agreement

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