"San Bernardino shooter was well vetted" (1 Viewer)


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 18:37
Oct 17, 2012
Is anyone genuinely worried about him? I mean, I know he has a lot of backing from certain more extreme members of the population, but thus far he seems to be given only the respect he deserves. I know, theoretically, anyone can win but he must a long shot, surely?

What's worrying is that he's the front-runner for the GOP, and a LOT of people are buying into his Nazi-esque crap. People I know in real-life who are normally somewhat moderate are starting to believe his lies about the imminent danger posed by Muslims and nodding their heads, agreeing that just maybe 'something should be done about them'.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
May 22, 2010
What is there to worry about? You run on your record. You trusted the American people 7 years ago. Just sit back and let Hill's coronation begin. What could possibly go wrong...


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:37
Feb 28, 2001
I do think that our fetish for violence plays a large part as well, though.

If anybody bothered to check this, you would find that I have consistently decried the USA love for violent movies because the Religious Right won't let us watch steamy sex movies. (No, I'm not a tongue-dragging voyeur, I'm speaking in abstract.)

It is a sad part of our modern instant-gratification culture - stories that take time to develop conflicts and tension are box-office flops. Stories beginning with violence or perhaps some eye-popping special effects will catch the attention of the short-attention-span crowd where as love stories are relegated to low-viewership cable channels. The predominance of violent movies is at least strongly determined by the Religious Right because that is a type of movie they less rarely condemn than sex romps or semi-explicit love stories that get a little steamy.

Now, if you consider which type of movie is likely to show someone getting beat to a pulp, shot full of holes, or sliced and diced... (P.S. - if your answer is "Love stories", you are looking for love in ALL the wrong places.)

As to the Trumpster - what really grouses me is that if he keeps up this anti-ethnic line of rhetoric, he'll make Hilary look viable. Now THAT would be a really bad result.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 18:37
Oct 17, 2012
What is there to worry about? You run on your record. You trusted the American people 7 years ago. Just sit back and let Hill's coronation begin. What could possibly go wrong...

I take it you missed the fact that I have never once said I plan on voting for Clinton?

The only way that'll happen is if she gets the Democratic nomination over Sanders, as she is STILL a better candidate for POTUS than any of the GOP clowns.

Not a whole lot better, but 'owned by Wall Street' is still better than 'Heil Donald' or Carson's hallucination of the week.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 18:37
Oct 17, 2012
If anybody bothered to check this, you would find that I have consistently decried the USA love for violent movies because the Religious Right won't let us watch steamy sex movies. (No, I'm not a tongue-dragging voyeur, I'm speaking in abstract.)

Hey man, I agree with you on this point! I always have.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:37
Mar 23, 2007
What's worrying is that he's the front-runner for the GOP, and a LOT of people are buying into his Nazi-esque crap. People I know in real-life who are normally somewhat moderate are starting to believe his lies about the imminent danger posed by Muslims and nodding their heads, agreeing that just maybe 'something should be done about them'.
Isn't that exactly how the original did it? Latch onto people's feelings that the world isn't treating them as it should, then blame it on minorities (Jews and gypsies) and rally everyone behind you to get rid of them. If you can convince them that the people are all dangerous, so much the better. When people are angry, they're focused. When they're focused, they're not scared any more. "We lost WWI so blame the Jews", "We need internment camps, get the Japanese-Americans", "The Muslims are visibly different, and a tiny minority are dangerous", whatever works.


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 18:37
Oct 17, 2012
Apologies, I misplaced my copy of the forum members voting records.


I've actually mentioned a few times that I'm a Sanders supporter, but I suppose I should add to my signature that just because I'm a Liberal, that doesn't mean I worship at the House of Clinton. :p


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
May 22, 2010
Interesting factoid

Heh (god) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Heh (also Huh, Hah, Hauh, Huah, Hahuh, Hehu), in ancient Egypt, was the deification of infinity or eternity in the Ogdoad, his name itself meaning "endlessness". His female counterpart was known as Hauhet, which is simply the feminine form of his name.
‎Origins and mythology - ‎Forms and iconography - ‎Cult and worship - ‎Bibliography


Premier Pale Stale Ale
Local time
Today, 18:37
Oct 17, 2012
But the important question is: was he a moon god? Because we know THEY are evil!

Also, your link is busted - for whatever reason, the site didn't include the closing bracket.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 18:37
Mar 23, 2007
Possibly, whoever entered the description asked someone who that was (pointing to a picture) and the other person replied "God", then cracked up laughing. The first person took this as a proper response and typed in the onomatopoeic representation.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
Oh, come on, I at least thought you were smarter than Murderboy.

Since when does 'not feasible for self-defense' mean 'self-defense is bad'? Since you obviously don't understand what the word 'feasible' means, let's pull up a definition for you:

The fact of the matter is that in virtually any self-defense situation you will find in America, a handgun is ALWAYS more feasible than a rifle of any sort, even an assault rifle.

Nice job twisting my meaning around, though - you should be a Republican! You appear to be about as dishonest as Bill O'Reilly, it seems.

wow Forthy,,,Damn ,,,you just don't LIKE anybody do you?

A pity! such a waste
Last edited:


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
If by 'Weannies' you mean 'people whose first inclination isn't to kill children or people who disagree with them', then sure. Most people call those 'responsible adults', though.

If one or two of the county employees had been armed, you know what would have almost certainly happened? A higher body count. You know why? Because unlike in those blood-soaked daydreams you masturbate to every day, the reality is that civilians aren't trained in how to react in a combat situation. They know nothing about when to fire and when not to fire, lines of fire, target identification, and aiming under high-stress situations. They would just open up on anyone carrying guns or who they thought MIGHT be carrying guns, and even more innocent lives would have been lost to their bravado.

But you keep on thinking you're some sort of Rambo who'll save the world by killing every child and bad guy you encounter. The rest of the world knows better, Murderboy.

Amazing,,,,you just keep on going,,,How much deeper in the dirt can you go????????


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
We had our own case the other day, a mentally ill but jihadist inspired man attacked using a knife. In the US it would have been a gun and people likely would have died.

Of course if I found myself in CA type situation - i'd like a good guy with a gun. I'd like more to make it as hard as possible for the bad guy to get a gun though.

Some of his weapons were his - others sold legally then obtained by the guy. http://www.wsj.com/articles/san-bernardino-guns-originally-bought-legally-later-modified-1449254384


It was not too long ago we had a lone wolf who used an axe...Agree with you that a gun causes more deaths than a knife or axe. Having said that,,, if you took every gun out of the hands of honest citizens worldwide, ISIS and others like them would still have theirs.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
Yeah, I went back a reread your original post to see if you'd actually said that, and I'd just missed it but wasn't too surprised to find that Glenn Beck Jr. made a real leap of "logic" to get there.

Must make an argument far easier if you ignore what's written, then pretend the other person said something they didn't so that you can respond to it with what you want to say. Of course, our resident tinfoil-hat faux-christian was all over it, but then it did offer the chance to insult the Liberals, use multiple commas, and exteeeeend words in ridiculous ways.

Out of interest, were Red Dawn, Invasion USA, Die Hard, etc. marketed as instructional films in the US? In most of the world, they were sold as entertainment, but faux-christian seems to think otherwise.

ALC.....do you have a close nit family?


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
Surprising, then, how many people think that a bit of training would make them Steven Seagal or Bruce Willis in any dangerous situation. From talking to more than one soldier, police office, etc. it's pretty clear that no one knows how they're going to react under fire until it actually happens and even the best trained people get things wrong or freeze at times.

There are plenty of stories available of people who received A LOT more training than any of these "county employees" could ever realistically be expected to receive and still didn't perform perfectly the first time they needed to. The difference being that they might regularly be under fire, so as long as they survive they do gain experience that helps them handle it on future occasions. Arming someone for a (hopefully) one-off occurrence and expecting them to get it right and not make things worse is more than a bit optimistic and does smack of not being able to differentiate between entertainment and reality.

SO......you ALC had rather sit tight and hope the shooter does not find you , runs out of bullets or his gun jams and he does not have another. OK.....Thought I had it right to start with,,,just wanted to ask.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
The worry about the D*****d is how many other D******ds support him and believe his lies as truths.

most of those so called lies by the left,,,somehow come out a the truths later on..

The old adage "it you tell a lie is the truth long enough it becomes the truth" is a false hood. The truth will always be the truth no matter how the left spins it.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:37
Feb 11, 2013
Is anyone genuinely worried about him? I mean, I know he has a lot of backing from certain more extreme members of the population, but thus far he seems to be given only the respect he deserves. I know, theoretically, anyone can win but he must a long shot, surely?

They said in the beginning he would only last for a month or two?????

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