Summing a field based on the column property of a combo box (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Today, 20:27
Aug 25, 2011
I have a form that is for pricing menus

I have a combo box that list ingredients e.g. Chicken £1.75, so chicken when selected populates the ingrdients field

I then have a text box (lets say this is text1) which uses the .column(3) to populate the cost of the ingredient (in this case £1.75)

there is also an input field for quantity.

In the footer I can sum the quantity field succesfully but when i try to sum (text1) i just get a ref returned. This is obviously something to do with how the field is populated (.column from a combo box) but I can't resolve.

Any help is appreciated (as you can tell a novice to access)
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New member
Local time
Today, 20:27
Aug 25, 2011
39 people have read this and no replies. Is this because it is not clear what i am asking? or because the readers don't know the answer - i suspect the former but have no idea

Trevor G

Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:27
Oct 1, 2009
Welcome to the Forum,

Upload a sample of your database including copies of the table, and form and anything else like a query that uses this data.

I will take a look.


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 20:27
Sep 8, 2011
So it's getting stuck when trying to add the actual price column, right? If the data in that column says £1.75 then I'm assuming it's formatted as text, rather than a number - this could well be a problem. In your table, you need to make sure that the price column is set to format as a number (even if it means you lose the £ sign) and this may help with your problem... anywhere near the mark?

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