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How we can help?

Are you looking to outsource a Microsoft Access project? Or do you just need advice and guidance for in-house development?

In either case, we can make your life easy. You can tap into our expertise to whatever depth you want. In fact, we'd like you to think of us as...

An extension of your own IT department.

No need to setup office space, a computer and a desk for us! Our state-of-the-art software development facility has the following:

Ready made programming code and modules to help speed project development.
A team of programmers who can share knowledge if faced with a particularly challenging aspect of your project.

ISDN for fast response to your request for updates, development, modification and troubleshooting.

A large library of Access related material including: Our extensive in-house Knowledgebase, TechNet CD's, books and periodicals. This ensures we have the resources to cater for any project you may throw at us.

PC Anywhere to enable remote access troubleshooting and support from our site, without you incurring expensive call-out charges.

A wide range of PC's and operating systems to simulate any environment your database may face.

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